Comstock Story

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My name is Zachary Hale Comstock. This is my life story.

Chapter One
"I can't take it anymore! Glad0s has imprisoned all of America!" Or so I thought. "I must do something for redemption!" Thought Comstock. I walked down the hall of the enrichment center, as Glad0s grabbed me with her rusty metal claw.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Screamed Comstock.
"Just bringing you to your cake." Said Glad0s. She dropped me down a hole and I fell for nearly ten minutes, hit the ground and blacked out.

Chapter Two
I woke up in a dark room and covered in what felt like blood. I stood up and stumbled to a light switch and flipped it, When the lights turned on I noticed a small window located in the far corner of the room, I walked over opened the blinds and crawled through the space. I was free! Finally free. When I got out I walked to a bus station and realized there were people, I boarded a bus and went as far as I could. At the end of the line I got off and made a makeshift shelter. I fell asleep and dreamed of a place I called "Colombia", It was beautiful. I never wanted to leave, so I created it, I devoted my life to it and made it reality. A floating city in the sky,
"Wow. Just, wow." I said

Chapter Three
Nowwas the time to bring people in, take Colombia to the next level so I created something amazing something that would never be legal. I created Vigors! They were the best thing that I could have ever come up with, other than Colombia of course.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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