chapter 3 ♡ project partners?

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"I don't know what's wrong with him"

"Stop worrying, you know how guys can be" Lana my best friend says.

"But I'm telling you, Isaac is being different lately I noticed he's been distant"

"Well maybe if you give him some space? I don't know but let's go to class because we're gonna be late. What class do you have?" She asks while grabbing her things from her locker.

I sigh "history" I respond starting to walk to my class.

"I have AP calc but see you at lunch" she says before leaving me walking alone to the classroom.

When I get to the classroom I sit in the corner and just listen to the teacher explain her class when I suddenly remember I have a meeting with someone right now. I rise my hand and ask if I could go to the restroom.

When I get there I sit on the sink waiting for her. Suddenly I hear some high heels clicking on the floor and the door opens.

There she is, black high heel boots with a black mini skirt, a black lace top and red lipstick. Her black hair is down and straight while she is sucking a lolipop.

Presley Williams.

"Wow look who it is" she says sarcastically while aproaching me. "You look great for a dead girl" she continues. 

I stand up from the sink and take a few more steps closer "well at least I didn't get dress code violation the first day of school.. you really like the attention huh?" I say 

She steps closer till we are face to face "oh really?" she asks sarcastically with a fake smile.

"Really" I respond.

Then we hug. 

"Omg I missed you dead girl" She says while pulling away. "You really look great".

I smile "I know, it's a gift. I've missed you too Presley, summer has been hell when you were gone to like the Bahamas or whatever, I'm still mad you didn't take me with you"

"Agh I know but you know how my mother always wants to bond with me since dad left, even tho it was like 5 years ago" she says while sitting on the sink taking out a pack of cigarretes from her pocket.

She turns the pack to me and I take one, you can never decline a cigarette. Taking one for herself she puts them back to her pocket and lights them up.

"Soooo, how's Jane? I feel like I haven't seen her since like forever I miss her" I ask.

Jane and Presley had been best friends since middle school, that's why Presley is always so protective of her.

 She lets out the smoke. "Omg she's been getting drunk every chance she gets and as her best friend I'm the one who has to take care of her, but she's good."

"How's blondie?" she asks while rolling her eyes.

Presley and Lana don't like each other even tho we're in the same friend group, it's weird but their personalities are really different I think.

I take a long hit "I honestly don't know, lately I feel like every time I talk to her she gets annoyed. And Isaac is being weird too, I don't know why"

She puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder "Don't worry everything is gonna be okay"

Suddenly the bell rings.

"It's time for lunch let's go" She grabs me by the arm and pushes me to get out of the restroom.

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