chapter 5 ♡ a not so great surprise

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I woke up feeling a little anxious and when I get up from bed I get this feeling I always get when standing up. I start seeing some black spots and my ears hurt from that annoying sound, right now I'm in my period so it is much worse. 

I get really dizzy and I fall to my knees until I'm more steady to get up.

I shower thinking of everything that happened yesterday with Isaac and Lana. But then I think to myself that Lana would never do that to me, she's my best friend, this probably has a reasonable explanation. 

I get out of the shower with an awful headache and pick out some clothes for school.

I pick out a cute cropped cream cardigan with some white cargo pants and some Nike Blazers. I put my jewelry on as always. And of course my rubi ring. 

I grab my bag and head downstairs to eat breakfast.

I get to the kitchen there is my mom drinking her coffee, my dad reading his old school newspaper, and then I'm really surprised to see my sister in there eating pancakes. "Olivia?" I ask a little confuse.

She then notices me and stands up "omg sister!" and comes to hug me. "Liv? What are you doing here? I thought you were in Boston for your intership until next week" I question feeling really happy that she's here.

"Yeah I finished early" she says separating. "Which I'm really happy about so now I can enjoy my senior year with my baby sis" she smiles.

I smile tightly trying  my best to be happy about it. 

The truth is that as much as I love my sister, I would've enjoy another week away from her. The thing is that Olivia has always been better than me in every aspect, she has always been smarter, she has always been more popular, she has always been more pretty than me. With that long black hair, with those green eyes, with that brown glowy skin that looks like she just came back from a vacation in the beach. That's why my parents adore her and would do absolutely anything for her over me and this situation at school wasn't much different. Her being here was knowing that I'm going to be in her shadow. I just hate feeling like this, this feeling of envy that makes me feel guilty because I love her but I always wonder what would it be like if I was an only child.

Somehow my dad notices that I get a little uncomfortable all of the sudden. He arches a brow and lowers his newspaper "Is there a problem Camila" my das asks me with an intimidating tone. 

I smile. "Not at all, we're just gonna be late" I walk throught the kitchen and give my dad a kiss in the cheek "Bye daddy see you later" and get out of the house with my sister following me.

We ride to school and I inmediately see Jackson in the entrance with his friends outside of school as always. Surprisingly today I am not in the mood to be a bitch to everyone so I don't roll my eyes as I always do when I'm in their presence. My sister and I get out of the car and walk towards the entrance.

My sister is talking to me about Boston while all of a sudden Matt comes jooging to catch up with me. "Hey Mila baby how are you today" glancing me with a smile when all of a sudden he notices my sister who is right besides me. "Oh hi Olivia" he says focusing his attention on me again. That action alone, the action of a person being more excited to talk to me that my sister makes me feel genuine happiness, that's why I love Matt.

I chuckled "What's up Matt, are you in trouble?" I ask giving him a funny look. "Of course not Mila baby, I just wanted to see how you were doing after the picture that was posted last night, are you okay?" he asks a little bit worried while we open the entrace door, not before stealing a little glance at the blue eyed guy who was staring at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand. But that was quick before we got into the school hallways.

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