Strangers Go To RAD

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(Kaitlyn's) POV:

"Why is he shutting the door?" I thought.

I turn to see him in front of the door.

" You can sit." He said to me. His black eyes with a red gradient looked down at me.

He walks past me to go lay his big fur-lined black coat on his big throne. He pulls out my chair and waves his hand like a butler to let me know to take a seat.

I slowly walk up to the chair and take a seat, he backs away and sits in his chair as well.

"As you know I am Student Council Vice President back at RAD, I also have other responsibilities here at the House Of Lamentation." Lucifer said while looking at me real seriously. He started to take off his black leather gloves he had on revealing his slim hands.

"I don't usually ask for others help and I have never had an assistant either but now that I'm going to be taking care of you while you're here I should have you close to me." He continues with his sentence while taking a pen and looking straight at some paper work.

I start fidgeting with my hands while I concentrate on his every move.

He gently raises his head to look at me.
"What I'm asking you is, will you be my assistant?" Lucifer asked.

I look at him with wide eyes, I was so distracted by his beauty I dozed off. But I'll never not listen to this man, his voice was too enchanting to ignore.

"Oh-yes." I said.

I couldn't believe he would ever say this to me. Being his assistant was going to make my time here much more pleasurable.

He stared at me for a second, "I have most things like paper work handled but I might need your advice on things, will you be okay with this?" He asked.

"Yes I will" I said quietly to him.

"You will come and meet me here everyday after your done with school, I will text you on your D.D.D if we ever need to meet." He finished with his sentence and started to get up from his chair, I get up from my chair as well and we both start heading towards the door.

"You will start school tomorrow in the morning, tell Lesly as well." He opened the office door for me.

"I will be expecting you." He said hovering over me. I start leaving the room and he closes the door gently behind me. I leave the room more in love with Lucifer than ever which I never new could happen.

(Lesly's) POV:

I was trying to look for music on my D.D.D so I could play TT by Twice while I cleaned me and Kaitlyn's room a little but the only thing they have on the D.D.D is Deviltube which has absolutely nothing to do with music videos.

I should probably ask Levi later on how he watches stuff from the human world.

I flopped on one of the pink beds bored and eggar to know more about why Kaitlyn left with Lucifer. I knew they was having a blast spending alone time with him.

I suddenly hear the door open, and turn my head to see Kaitlyn.

"You're finally back," I said to Kaitlyn while slowly getting seated on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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