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Cringe and some small violence i think


Vampires, a species that was proclaimed dead years ago, are said to have lived for years, but had to drink blood to Vampires, a species that was proclaimed dead years ago, are said to have lived for years, but had to drink blood so as not to lose control.
Pure-blood vampires, vampires that come from two vampires either transformed or natural
Transformed vampires, vampires who were transformed at some time in their life, can be easily hidden.
Its only difference, its fangs, but there is more of that


"Open the door" A white door opened with a somewhat loud sound"Throw him inside, let him do what he wants" Two guards holding a boy with half-drowsy green hair, with bandages all over his body and an almost dirty white coat of dried blood and grime. They threw the boy inside the room
The boy fell with his stomach to the ground, the boy fell with a growl that got out of his throat, he was shaking and he looked like a mess.
The door behind him closed with a squeak.
The boy raised his head that he was holding with his hands, his eyes were a bright red, and his pupils looked dilated. He began to crawl towards a white wall next to him.
"Sir?" One hand touched his back, turning his head to see a girl in a white coat, light blue hair, red eyes, totally bandaged and with a horn on her head. His fangs grew, he was hungry. He quickly put his hand to his mouth"Sir are you fine?" The girl tried to grab his hand, he hissed and walked away from the girl"O-oh sorry"The girl also walked away and sat at another end of the room"Am I Eri and you?" He looked at her and didn't say anything
"Sorry if I just make you angry" A growl came out of the boy's belly"urgh"The boy complained and squeezed his grip in his mouth"Are you hungry?" The girl pulled out a snack from under her robe"I took some food out of my dinner" Eri handed a loaf of bread to the boy, he grabbed the bread slowly and removed his hand from his mouth to eat the bread slowly, although it did not help his thirst it helped to calm his instincts. When he finished eating, he put his hand on the girl's head and patted her on the head"Sir since you calmed down a little, what is your name, you have not told me"
Izuku moved his head in confusion"I, asked your name"Izuku kept confused until he understood what she was saying, his nails lengthened a little longer and he began to write something on the wall. Although he did not know how to write, he had learned some words and letters.
He scratch a number on the wall with his natural black nails, Eri turned to see the wall that was now scratched"009?, is that your name?" Although clearly Izuku was not experiment 9, he was experiment 9 in something I will explain later.
Izuku somewhat confused just nodded his head
"But that's not a real name" Eri was totally confused, when Izuku was about to approach Eri, a growl coming out of his stomach, Izuku writhed in pain and grabbed his stomach"Oh sir, are you fine!?" Eri went to try to help Izuku who only hissed on little Eri. Eri frightened leaned on the farthest wall of Izuku, he had already been carried away by his instincts

zuku began to approach Eri who was trying to hide behind her small arms, a growl of Izuku was interrupted when he fell to the ground unconscious, the smallest girl looked at Izuku who lay with a dart on the back of his neck. The door opened and a companion of the Yakuza Overhaul entered"Pick up the boy and take him to Overhaul, I'll take care of this brat" Two more Yakuzas entered and took Izuku, while the other took care of Eri


Izuku was tied to a chair, he had an iron muzzle on his face, Overhaul was by his side, he was happily appreciating his only experiment that managed to survive "it". Izuku on the other hand was growling and trying to break free"Oh.. 009 you have made me earn millions of money and fights, your blood is more precious than anything else"Overhaul laughed between teeth, Izuku wanted to get up from his chair and sink his fangs and tear his throat
His throat burned, his whole being was a mess, he just wanted a little bit of that delicious red liquid.
Red liquid?
"Don't think about anything, 009, let your inner monster be free"
Overhaul yawn"This is already boring, doctor, let's start with the experiment"Izuku tried with all his might to break free, but never succeeded.
A doctor arrived (The truth it was a Yakuzas doctor, or something like that, I don't know?) he brought with him some syringes with colored liquid and some knives
"Let's start with this" Overhaul removed the bandages from Izuku's arms, arms that were scarred. Overhaul grabbed a syringe that had a gray liquid and injected it into Izuku's arm "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Izuku screams and I try to hold the syringe in his arm" Since your genes erase all the powerful quirks, weak and even those that are activated, I have decided to give you a mutant quirk"The yakuza leader took the syringe from Izuku's arm"Well you just have to wait for your quirk to take effect,I'm going to get some of your blood, I need to make more bullets."Izuku was drowsy, his head hanging from one side"Sleep well boy"


Izuku woke up in a room dirty and with some dried blood stains, it was the room where he had lived all his life.
Izuku sat against a wall, had a lot of pain in his head and lower back, Izuku grabbed his legs on his chest, he was very hungry, he has gone longer without eating
"Oi, idiot I brought you food"A guard threw a boy in a middle school uniform and brown hair into Izuku's room"Do whatever you want with the"Izuku got up and started approaching the boy"Don't get any closer!" The boy began to use his quirk which allowed him to lengthen his limbs, the boy was injured in his arms and face, they were giant cuts, Izuku did not care that the boy was using his quirk and went straight to sink his fangs into the boy's neck
His body felt total happiness, the boy's blood was not the best, but it helped too much, Izuku just thought of leaving him totally dry. After he finished drinking it, he got up from his throat and licked all the blood left around his mouth"huh?" Izuku looked at the boy and began to shake him, he looked around and noticing that there was no one, he grabbed the boy's arm and left the boy at the back of the room, he grabbed a white blanket that had been left for him to cover him during cold times, perhaps?
Izuku hated being left with the dead for a long time.
He just leaned against a wall enduring the endless pain.


Overhaul was sitting on a black sofa with his accomplices next to him"So you want to buy my anti-quirks bullets?" A boy with light blue hair and a hand all over his body moved a chess token from a game he was playing with Overhaul "Give me the vampire kid"
"Im not going to do it"
"Oh, then I just reveal your ubication to everybody"
"And what will I get in return?"
"You can have Toga and Twice"
"And those useless, what do they do?"
"They are my most reliable"
"I can't give it to you, it's very important, and you could have a plan up your sleeve"
Shigaraki growled with frustration and anger
"Give me the boy, his blood no longer serves you, he can only erase the quirks temporarily, but on top of that the boy never learned to do something from a normal child, you can't inject him with quirks, he is USELESS TO YOU!" Shigaraki punched the table with his hand and disintegrated his chess token
"Tch, hey bring the boy here!"
"Don't break the promise, Shigaraki"


A man in a plague doctor's suit arrived and opened the door of Izuku's room"Hey brat, get up and come here"The broccoli boy got up from the ground and went where the man was, the man grabbed a necklace and a muzzle and put them in Izuku"HEY IDIOTS COME HERE AND CHECK THE BRAT'S ROOM!" The man grabbed Izuku and took him to the meeting room. When they walked down the hall Eri was secretly looking at the two, when they finished passing through the hall Eri returned to his room and tried to find an escape


"Here's the boy, Overhaul" Shigaraki got up and grabbed the boy's face, Izuku gave him a growl to scare him"It's wild, don't you think, Overhaul?" Shigaraki chuckled"Get out of here" At the beginning of the meeting Overhaul had asked to be his leader, but Shigaraki changed all the talk suddenly"Wow I'm already out , idiot mask!" Overhaul growled with anger towards Shigaraki. A fog formed behind Shigaraki, he with all the his league which were silent entered the portal, after the last integrant entered the portal closed behind him
Lol this was so random and idiotic, just tell me if ya want more, lol
And yes i got inspired a little by some stories on wattpad and ao3
Please, god this was so cringe and in 1,6k+ i just wrote like 0000000000.1 part of the story lol

1 part of the story lol

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