The visit Yelena never wanted to make...(Fluff & Angst)

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Yelena walked up to the front desk from the window she had been staring out the past 20 minutes for what felt like the billionth time that night, all she wanted was answers, to know that Kate was ok.

"Is there an update on my girlfriend? Kate Bishop, she was brought in about 10 hours ago." Yelena said leaning over the desk tapping her fingers on the bench.

"I'll have a look," The lady at the front desk said, "Ok, you can see her, She might not be-" Yelena didn't care what else the lady wanted to say she just wanted to see her девочка.

She ran down the hall, dodging any obstacle until she saw the name that she had been wanting to see for the past 11 hours.

The door read 'Kate A. Bishop' and Yelena didn't hesitate to go in. I had prepared myself for what she was going to see but it was still a shock to see the woman she wanted to hug so badly and spend the rest of her life with.

"Hi Katie baby, I know you're probably not awake but I'm here and I'm not leaving until you do." She said.

She walked over to the side of the bed where her hand - which seemed to be the only thing not connected to wires - lay and she picked it up smoothly.

Without letting go she pulled up a chair and took a seat, yet again, without letting go of her lover's hand.

"I'm right here Принцесса," She took a deep breath in "Always."

Without letting go Yelena managed to get into a comfortable position and eventually she fell asleep.

The next morning Yelena woke up, just how she had fallen asleep, her neck slightly sore but it was worth it because she looked down to see her fingers intertwined with Kate's.

As the day passed and other people came in and out, usually with food for Yelena and gifts for Kate that Lena always asked be put on her side of the room if they were Flowers and/or Chocolates - so that she could get rid of all the coconut ones that she wouldn't eat when she woke up - and if they weren't they could go somewhere on the other side.

 "Ok, Well I should get going Lucky and Fanny are waiting for me at your place," Clint said as he exited for the second time that day, the fourth time since she got here. "You all sorted?" He checked, making Yelena has water food and that she's ok.

"Yep, I've got my girl, that's all I need," Lena says showing him Kate and her's hands.

After he left Yelena looked back at her girlfriend with such love in her eyes she wished Kate could see her.

"Hey it's just you and me now and I need to tell you one thing," Yelena started to tear up and she felt so scared for once in her life, "пожалуйста, проснись, детка, пообещай мне, что ты проснешься"

Yelena felt a small squeeze on her hand and a look of pure hope came across her face.

And after what felt like forever she heard the voice she had been wanting to hear all this time.

"обещаю," Kate said and Yelena felt like she was home, Kate's voice was her home, her safe place.

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