Chapter VII

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TW: Fi kinda breaks down idk if that counts, but im warning you guys just in case

"When do we leave?" Bleu asked, finally.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad I wasn't alone,

" As soon as possible, get ready and we also have to make a pit stop." The Magic Mechanics. I wasn't about to him into olden Artemisia without protection.

I watched as he scrambled into a T-shirt and jeans.

"Umm," I started. "Santa Barbara is an island so we do have to have a rowboat," I stated.

"Yeah, I know," He said, annoyed and glum. I felt bad.

"I'm going to get our bags. I packed some extra that I brought myself." I didn't want to act guilty even though that's how i feel right now.

I wasn't completely lying, though. I needed to add a magic compass and a magic bag that Magic Mechanics sent to me. These are the least valuable items so I don't have to go there in person.. The magic compass tells you which kind of magic you are closest to to. The magic bag divides weight by about 10 pounds and has about ten-meters of empty space. It will be more practical than my old flour sack.

"FI!" I heard Blue call out.

"Shhhhhhh!'" I hissed. "What is it," I whispered.

"Sorry," he replied, "But my mom is starting to wake up. Can I leave her a note saying we left for a walk?"

"Sure," I replied. "Say that I was restless and it woke you up. Then I'll just have a note teleported there at 6:00 AM saying we left."

"Thanks!," he said before slipping away.

After fifteen minutes, a sticky note was on the counter and we were out the door. I got my old rowboat out and we were on our way. I actually had a compass this time.

I watched as Blue made his way into the rowboat. He looked sad and determined at the same time. I don't want to make him sad, but if I don't gather the Elemantes the world could end. Literally.

The sea was black. It seemed melancholy as it's rhythm almost lulled me to sleep.

Then thunder.

Change POV!


My first thought was that something in Fiona's bag fell. Onto the boat. But when I saw the lighting, I knew I was wrong. A storm, at the worst possible time. The Elemantes could've waited until we got to solid ground!

Through the sound of rain splattering onto our tiny rowboat, I hear Fiona. Shouting at the sky something like "What in Gulamba is wrong with you, Alainia?!

Even. I, someone who learned about the spirits just a week ago, knew that all the rain would be bad for our trip. Like FI said, the water Elemante definitely had problems. As if on cue, I heard a floorboard creak. None of us had realised, but water was slowly pooling itself into the rowboat, as if it was trying to creep up on us.

"Oh no.." I whispered. "Fiona, what do we do?!" She should know what to do..

"Blue." She shakily replied. Oh no. "I have no idea," She whimpered. I knew it.

But then I saw her crying. I couldn't tell at first because we were both soaking with matted hair and damp clothes. But she was shaking, and not from the cold.

I heard her rant:

"I'm really, really, sorry Blue. I actually thought I could save my dad., and save the world, all by myself.." She laughed slightly. I hated seeing her like this.

"The entire world.. I'm so," She struggled to speak. "Stupid, haha. I'm sorry," She reapelated.

"No." I said firmly. "No, you're not stupid."

She looked at me, surprised. "What do you mean?" She was still sniffling.

Sorry for leaving for so long again

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are my busiest days

Hope someone's still here enjoying this shit!

The Elemantes Book 1Where stories live. Discover now