Excluded & Forgotten

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(Percy is currently 16 so hopefully, this makes sense. And Bill and Charlie are there too.)

*Summer Break - At the Burrow*

*Narrator-Chan's POV*

Percy had been studying in his room for a few hours before he couldn't concentrate anymore and cast a wandless tempus.

'Huh. That's weird, it's already 7 pm. I wonder why no one came to get me for dinner.' Percy thought before shrugging it off and going downstairs. He heard laughing from the living room and saw his entire family sitting there playing games. Family Night. Once more Percy was confused as to why no one came to get him. The laughter died down completely when he entered to room, barely stopping to look at his family before sighing quietly in sadness and going to the kitchen to get a drink. He hopped up on the counter and sat criss-cross with his drink in hand, taking off his glasses to rub the tears from his tired eyes.

'I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've been doing exactly what I've been told and still I'm not good enough for them. To them I'm just related by blood, I'm not family to them...not in the way they are with each other.' Percy thought sadly, no longer trying to stop his tears as he let them flow, putting his glasses in his shirt pocket. He finished his drink to soothe his now sore throat and put his cup in the sink, wiping the tears clean from his face and heading back through the living room to head to his room so as not to ruin the other's fun.

His father looked up in surprise when he saw Percy without his glasses and the fact that his eyes were slightly red and there were dried tear streaks on his cheeks.

"What's the matter, Percy? Are you alright? What happened?" Arthur asked, worried.

The others in the room looked to Arthur when he spoke and then to Percy in surprise at his appearance.

Percy flinched before answering quietly, his voice breaking slightly, "Nothing Dad. Everything's fine, sorry for interrupting."

"What do you mean Percy, you didn't do anything wrong? What's the matter?" Arthur asked in confusion, standing up and walking over to Percy.

Molly stopped him, "Now now Arthur, he said he's fine, we should leave him alone so he can continue studying. He needs to work hard if he wants to have a decent life and work in the Ministry. He's fine, now come on and continue with us for Family Night."

"He's been studying for hours Molly, he needs a break. And he's only sixteen, he doesn't need to worry so much about that kind of thing yet. It's also not Family Night without all of us here, right?" Arthur tried.

Molly paid him no mind and turned to Percy, "Go on now Percius, back to your room. You'll fail miserably if you don't continue to study hard, you're already starting to become a disappointment. You don't have time for this kind of thing, don't worry we'll be fine without you. You don't need to be down here with us, we're fine by ourselves. Go on now."

Percy flinched violently and clenched his fists and digging his nails into the palms of his hands, hard enough to draw blood. Molly didn't notice as she shooed him away, though instead of doing what he was told and going back to study, he bolted out the door behind Molly, tears streaming down his cheeks. The twins looked at each other, they had never realized how their Mother treated Percy, but this was just cruel. They stood up and followed out the door, determined to find their older brother.

"Oh Fred and George, you don't need to worry about Percius, I'll just ground him when he comes back for not listening," Molly said.

The twins didn't answer and went to find Percy anyways, leaving an annoyed Molly in the Burrow with their confused family. They wandered around for a while until they heard something coming from the top of a nearby hill. They quietly went up the hill and were shocked and saddened by what they saw and heard. Percy was sitting at the top, his knees drawn to his chest as tears streamed down his face, singing a heartbreaking melody.

*(This is the song, it's very sad if you think about it as Percy's situation as well as what's going to happen later.)*

🖤⚡🤍*(Hey my Wonderous Problem Children!!!!!!! This is a story about Percy and his life for how I think it went/should have gone. Percy has finally had enough of being pushed around so stick around to see the outcome of an emotional Percy who can surprisingly sing amazingly!!!)*🤍⚡🖤

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