⛓Broken Bonds⛓

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The twins walked up to Percy as he broke down crying.

"Are you alright Percy?" The twins asked.

Percy yelped in surprise and spun around, facing the twins, his eyes wide and breathing ragged.

Percy calmed down slightly, "W-what are you two doing out here? I'm not in the mood for being pranked at the moment."

Percy winced and put a hand to his throat, rubbing soothing circles to soothe it.

"Are you getting sick Percy? It seems like your throat has been bothering you for a while." The twins said back and forth before ending together, faces full of concern.

Percy ignored the question, "Why did you follow me? Shouldn't you be with the others for 'Family Night'?" Percy seemed even more upset when he said this, remembering how no one bothered to even ask if he wanted to join them and then being told he wasn't wanted there.

The twins looked at each other and nodded before grabbing either of Percy's arms and sitting him between them. Fred took out a shrunken jar of a bright purple gel and unshrunk it, George moved Percy's hands away from his throat and said, "I promise this isn't a prank. Just trust us."

Percy looked confused and a bit skeptical but allowed the twins to massage the gel onto his neck softly. Almost immediately, his throat cooled and the swelling went down. Even after the gel was rubbed in, the twins continued to massage his throat, one of them moving to run their fingers through his hair.

"Will you tell us what's wrong now?" Fred asked.

Percy sighed, "It's nothing. It's stupid and doesn't affect anyone other than me. If either of you tried to help with it, it'd just cause problems for you."

"Please just tell us." George pleaded.

"Fine," Percy finally conceded, "It's Mother. She's been having me stay locked away in my room every time I'm home for hours on end to study and when I'm at school she sends howlers to make sure I don't do anything other than study there either. I'm tired of all of this. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to study every hour of the day every day, I don't want to join the Ministry, I don't want to keep being forced out of everything just because it's what that Harpy wants!!! I'm tired of being forced to be somebody I'm not. Because of Mother's insistence that I study twenty-four-seven, I've skipped more meals than I've eaten, and I'm practically isolated from everyone, and having to behave like a stuck-up prat that does nothing but study has caused everyone who knows me to hate me!!! I'm tired of being excluded and forgotten and being pushed around." Percy was no longer crying but he was angry. Angry at being told exactly how to behave and having every person he knows to hate him. He's tired of being controlled.

"Why don't you just tell her no?" The twins asked.

Percy slowly nodded, "I'm going to. I want to be my own person, not who she wants me to be."

Percy stood up and walked back to the Burrow with the twins, "Thank you," he said before they went inside.

Percy was met with the angry face of Molly Weasley, his harpy of a mother.

"Percius Weasley!!! How dare you ignore me and leave!!! You have no right to disobey me!!!" Molly yelled.

Percy took a shaky breath but held his ground, "I am not an object! You have no right to force me to stay confined in my room every hour of the day! And just because you are my mother does not mean that you get to force me to do what you want! I am seventeen! I am a legal adult so you really don't have any say in what I do." Percy glared at her.

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