Chapter 6

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I woke up to the smell of law. As I got up I remembered last night and my face headed up. 'So amazing are we dating now' I thought. Going out of the room seeing law cooking breakfast as usual. But before I could say good morning to him my phone decided to go off ringing.

Luffy: hello

Sabo: lu thank goodness I got a hold of you

Luffy: what's the matter is everything is ok

Sabo: yah yah everythings fine but I think it's a good idea to not come home for Christmas

Luffy: what why is everyone ok

Sabo: don't worry..... Just stay in touch ok

Luffy: ok

Sabo: 'BANG' Lu got to the...way.... remember don't....tell anyone..what you are

Luffy: okay love you

I hang up the phone really worried that my brothers are in trouble. I look up from my phone and say Torao staring at me. "Who was that Luffy-ay" Torao asked. "My brother sabo he said not to come home for winter break so I guess I'm staying here for the Hallidays" I say looking down.

"How about you come with me for the holidays" he says hugging me and pulling me into a huge hug. That makes me feel really weird feeling. " are you sure that will be ok if your parents" I ask looking up at him. "I'm sure dad will understand and besides your my boyfriend" pushing my bangs on my eyes and kissing my forehead.

No one has called me there boyfriend before what dose it mean is it like cording before becoming mates. Whatever it means it makes me happy when Torao says it. "Now let's eat breakfast before it burns" Torao said moving away and making me a plate of food.


As we were done eating I got up and told luffy to get his bags and get dressed. I already dressed and had my bags in the living room.

Cause I know if we're even love bit late uncle dofy and dad are going to be worried that I crashed or something. So when ever familys involved I like being the first one there.

As luffy came out with a suitcase I grabbed mine and we whent outside. I shut and locked the door behind us and we headed to the elevators.

However when we got to  elevators luffy just walked past the them. "Luffy" I called and he immediately stopped. " where are you going? The elevators are right here" I said clicking a button to bring up the elevator.

"Oh" he said looking at me squeamishly. "I was just going to take the stairs" he said pointing to the sign that said stairs. "Why it's easier to take the elevator" I said looking at him confused.

" I just don't like elevators" he said as the elevator dinged and opened. "Come on luffy if you don't like it  you don't have to do it again, just do it this once for me okay"  I say in a calm tone moving inside the elevator.


I decided to follow Torao in side the death chambers called an elevator.

The moment it closed I could feel my inner wolf whanted to come flying out and have a freak out. I couldn't let it thow if I transformed I would put me and torao at risk.
So I try to calm my self by  snuggling up to Torao. "It's ok I got you" Torao said hugging me.  It calms me a little bit. I decided to close my eyes for what felt like a  eternity.

Then I hear a ding and see were at the first floor so I grab my bag and zoom out of the elevator. "So you are actually scared of them" I hear Torao say caching up to me. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable" I say looking at him.

"No it's fine I shouldn't have asked you to go on the elevator" he says ruffling my hair. We made it to the parking garage. "My car is right there" Torao said pointing to the right at a red Tesla. We put are things in the car and got in.


As I drove up to are estate I looked over and saw a luffy fast asleep. At a stop sign I decided to sake him. "Hmm" he said tiredly rubbing his eyes. "What is it Torao" he asks looking at me. My home is just up this hill" I said drove up.

(This is what I think laws home would look like)

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(This is what I think laws home would look like)

I could see in the corner of my eye I could see luffy's jaw drop. "YOU LIVE HERE" he screamed. "Yes luff-ay this is were I grew up" I say with a smirk.

Driving up and parking. We got out and handed luffy's bag to him and we whent to the front door and knocked. I heard a crash. 'Properly dad' I thought.


I heard a crash I hope there all right I thought. Then the door opened and even before I saw the person I smelled there sent it wasn't human.Then this blonde man with weird make up on open the door. "Law" the man said then grabbing my torao and hugging him. "I missed you so much" the man said.

Then eyeing me. "Who are you young man" he asked with a smile. "I'm monkey D. Luffy sir" I say putting out my hand like Ace told me to do when meeting new people. " I'm Cora Laws father" he said. "Come in and make yourself at home" Cora said moving to the side letting law in first then me.

But before I could go inside Cora whispered to me "hello fellow wolf" then pushed me in. 'What have I gotten into' I think.

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