Family meeting.

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I respect those who tells the truth no matter how hard it is. INTEGRITY is everything.

- Amir Rasheed

"Ammi nah".

I yelled as I entered the living room, I exited and went to the kitchen where I found my mom standing with her back to the door while stirring  something in a pan. "Ammi" I called as I entered"you heard me calling you and you ignored me". I pouted.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop screaming my name, you are grown up Aasma ,start acting like one. If you wanted to see me come look for me instead of announcing to the walls and doors of the house that you are back" she scolded turning to face me. I moved towards her and peeped into the pot to see what she was preparing.It was a delicious looking beef dice soup.

"Kai Ammi, what did I do" I whined when she swatted the back of my head. "Move out of my front, Aasma before I do it again". She threaten. I quickly moved backwards making space between us, maybe more space than necessary. Ammi just rolled her eyes, but a smile was tugging at the corner of her lips."do u need any help" I asked from behind the almond coloured base cabinet in the middle of the kitchen."No, I am done. Go and freshen up, your Abba is on the way".

"Ok" I said as I walked away slowly and as maturely as I can. "When last have you been spanked, Aasma" my mother inquired. "Kai Ammi, I was trying to grow up fah" I crowed and turned around In time to see my mother raising a spatula. I squealed and ran out of the kitchen, laughing. I could hear ammi laughing, and muttering something like allahumma yahdiki (may Allah guide you).

I made my way upstairs to my room. I entered the room with a salaam and immediately groan when I came face to face with my not so tidy room. I didn't have enough time when I woke up in the morning to tidy it, and beloved ammi wouldn't allow anyone to clean the room because of the "no one will do it for you when you get married" thingy. My mother is a woman of her own priorities. She is strict and lenient, kind and aloof, amicable and impatient all at the same time. Even if we have thousand maids my mother wouldn't allow two things from them, that is, cooking for the family, and tidying my room.

There are not enough vocabulary to express that woman. Just her tranquil present in my life calms me.We are always in a bicker with each other especially when papa is around with her saying my father spoils me too much and my father retorting with an it's none of your business. Those two are the reason why my heart and soul are always full. I would choose them to be my parents in a million years.

I sling my bag in one of the many hooks on the white standing bag hanger. I kicked my shoes off and replace them back in the mauve coloured shoe rags. With veil still on my head, I dramatically fell into my bed atop of the white unmade duvet. I laid still for like ten minutes before turning on my back. I should probably get up or maybe I should add five minutes. I agreed with the latter thought and closed my eyes and before I could say poof I was off like a light.

"Ya ams" a tiny girl's voice called."ya ams, get up. Ammi is calling you" another voice called before I was roughly nudged. For goodness sake, is it five minutes already. The attacks of the tiny hands kept coming and I has to stretch my hands to show that I was awake. I open my eyes to meet two set of giddy brown eyes laced with excitement.

A grin automatically set on my face. "Hanan, hanifah, when did you come". I questioned as I adjusted into a sitting position

"We just came with papa, and he asked for you, so ammi sent us to call you". Hanan answered with enthusiasm and hanifah nodded.

Ya subhanallah, how long have I slept. And I haven't even prayed zuhr. "Tell them I'm coming" I said. They both nodded and scurried out of the room. Hanan and hanifah are the children of my father's younger sister, anty safiya. She is the second born to alhaji aaliyu maijamaa, baba as we call him and hajiya asmau Ahmad ,mama,with my father being the first born followed by anty safiya, uncle Najeeb and then anty ruqayya who was there Yar auta(last born). Anty safiya got married to a senator in bauchi, uncle rabiu with five children. Ya aliyu, her oldest son, being older then ya Imran with two years, ya khairat, who was getting married in less than a year, hauwa who was my mate and the twins who were the last born. Anty ruqayya also reside in bauchi with her husband, uncle imam and one kid,Mubarak, but there is another one on the way.

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