His choice

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You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to almost everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic, true power is restraint. If words can control you that means everyone can. Just breathe and allows things to pass.
- Amir rasheed.

Kano State, Nigeria
Sunday, 1:30pm

The palace atmosphere was dense and the unspoken tension makes the place suffocating. Everyone was gloom as they waited for his majesty to make his arrival. Each of the royal family members were present except for the queenmother, Hajiya who was probably in her chamber bossing everyone in sight. They all have one thing or the other running through their minds.

The last wife of the king, Amina who was called mummy looked at the prince with a distressed look. The prince, Amir remained impassive with his stoic, apathetic face which didnt give much away. He was composed and limpid as always and as if on que he looked up at her and offered her a warm and affectionate smile which in some way assured her heavy burdened heart. She returned it with fondness and lowered her head.

Every head turned to look at the direction of the door when it was unbarred and a guard stepped in clad in the usual native attire: thobe and turban.

"His majesty, king rilwan rasheed. may he live long has arrived" he announced before bowing at them and excited.

His steps was serene as he walked poisedly his aura dominant. He wore an embroidered golden and white thobe with a plain white turban rolled round his face and a little on his jaw. His face was stolid as he strolled in confidently paying no attention to the praise throw his way.

Every guard in the palace immediately bowed to his entrance. He made a gesture with his hands at them indicating them to give him space with his family. The servants all scurried out as he took his seat.

For a moment the palace was disturbingly reticent as the king took his time to study each of their faces. His gaze settled on his son who has not once raised his head since he entered.

"Have you decided yet" he inquired still looking in amir's direction.

"Yes Abbu". He simply said with his head still bowed down.

Everyone in the palace turned to look at the prince shocked. What, how, this isn't possible. No one expected a day like this to come where the prince will choose. Even the king was a little shaken, he never thought his son will choose. Mummy signed in relieve as this was a confirmation that her son wasn't what he was said to be. Alhamdulillah she uttered in her mind with a smile.

"Who is she".

The king asked the question that has reside in every of the royal family's mind upon the moment the prince said yes. At this point their interest was at it's highest peak as they impatiently waited for his answer.

Amir raised his head for the first time to look at his father who was also looking back.

"Aasma kabeer Aali, grand daughter to the dallatun bauchi.


The king resigned to his room some hours later after half clearing his schedules. For the first time in a while he couldn't concentrate on his work hence decided to call it a day.

He rested his head on the upper end of the sofa with half-closed eyes. He wasn't expecting his plan to make a big turn as it did. He had it all decided and yet his son surprised him. Or should he just abandon his son's choice and do as he planned. But that will be turning back on his words and and that is not deem for a person like him. But the main thing running through his mind is about her.

What will she think. How will she react. Is this fair on her.

King Rilwan signed and rubbed his bearded temple. If it wasn't for his mother, he would have never gone through with this.

His thoughts were interposed when his first wife, queen halima came in. One look at her husband she knew he didn't want to be disturbed. She silently settled beside him. She brought her hand to his temporal rigdes, slowly massaging it with her index finger and thumb.

"You are doing the right thing Abbul Amir (father of Amir). You will never fail when you follow the instruction of your mother" she consoled with soothing voice

"But is this fair on her, isn't this betreyal.

"Alisha isn't here for now and inshallah everything will be figured out after, we leave everything thing in the hands of Allah because it's he who said seek me for guidance and I shall be of assistance". She said taking his face in her hands " you should sleep and rest, or do you want anything to  eat". He shook his head

"Fine, rest up. You know you have a trip to plan tommorow". Queen halima said getting up and dusting off the bed with her hand and muttering a Bismillah. It has become a part of her to do that before getting into bed every night as the prophet instructed.

The king silently followed the lead of his queen and laid on his side of the bed. With the thoughts of asking his waziri to investigate about the girl, Aasma, he dozed off.

Queen halima looked at her husband when she heard his breath leveled indicating his lack of consciousness.

She sighed thinking about her son. He should have been allowed to at least bring a wife at his convenience or maybe there were In a relationship with this Aasma girl but knowing her son she doubted that. They may not have a close mother-son relationship but he was still her son and she knows him like the back of her palm.

Her son was a closed off person and hardly talks, so to hear him willing speak up at the palace was even more surprising. But even with his attitude, he was very hot headed and stubborn which he unmistakenly got from his father.

She silently prayed for her family's wellbeing and for sometime she stared at the high palace ceiling before she slept off.


*Somewhere in the palace*

"Wallahi I'm telling you he chose someone else, with his own mouth when Abbu asked him". She said quitely on the phone.

It was quite for a while on the other side before the already anticipated uproar started.

" How dare they he. How dare they think about getting him married. What do they mean by that. when she is there because of him, with no hope at all. How dare they do this to her. Or is it because she is no more perfect and scared. They will all pay for this I'm telling you. Each and every of  'rasheeds' must pay for it". The person continued ranting on and on before finally tuning it down and giving her the chance to talk.

"What ever you do, don't ruin what we have planned please, I know this is not fair but we should let the Aasma girl come in. She will go back with her own legs".

"What!" The person screeched. "You want us to let him marry the bitch, no way in hell, are u in...."

"I know, I know. But you remember what I told you. You should......."

And so the conversation goes on as she pleaded with the person to not act in haste and after a couple of pleadings and promises, they finally came to an agreement.

Letting him marry the so called Aasma girl.
Yo people.
Hope you are all in good state and health. I am fine too, thanks for asking

And here comes the first chapter.
How was it?. I know I know, it is boring right but this is just the beginning for goodness sake. Sabr( patience)

Is it just me or are also wondering who is this she they can't keep shut about. Do u want to find out?
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With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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