mattsunhana- coming out

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hanamakki thought he was supposed to always be "masculine" or "manly." the thing was, he didn't feel that way.

for a date together, the mattsun and hanamakki traveled to mall to shop for clothes. as they walked through the long halls, they peered into every window. when they reached the store they were at, hanamakki gazed longingly at the women's window display and envisaged himself in the dresses and skirts. however, he only shook his head and entered the store, and mattsun wondered what was wrong with his boyfriend.

the next time makki felt strange, it was when he was strolling through the halls of their school before the bell rang. mattsun was absent that day, and oikawa and iwaizumi were not here yet. then, a girl from his class passed him and her uniform brushed against his thigh. when it did, he touched the area lightly, loving the trace of the feeling. instead of feeling the moment, he slapped his leg and moved on. why was he feeling like this? he didn't like her; he seemed to like her uniform instead.

a week later, makki found himself secretly buying skirts and crop tops from the mall and stashing them in his closet. whenever he was alone, he liked wearing them and feeling feminine. he loved the way it made him feel like a girl. despite this euphoric feeling, makki still believed he was a boy. after all, that's what he was, right?

the feeling wouldn't go away. hanamakki had convinced himself that this feeling was shameful, but he enjoyed wearing the women's clothes more  than men's clothes. when makki's parents were away of a business trip, he rummaged through his closet, and threw on the feminine clothes. he took a deep breath, and then it hit him. right of the blue. makki realized she wasn't a boy. makki was a girl, and she was trans. makki didn't like her birth name, but she loved the nickname her friends gave her. "makki." she laughed, the fell onto her bed. she was so ecstatic that she didn't hear her boyfriend enter behind.

"makki? where's my wonderful boyfriend?" mattsun sang out. makki gasped and quickly began changing into her old clothes. the ones she didn't like.

just as she finished, mattsun opened the door. "there you are! i was beginning to think you were ignoring me," he teased. then mattsun noticed makki's discomfort. "what's wrong baby? did i do something wrong?"

makki shook her head. mattsun wouldn't love her anymore if he knew who she was. "nothing, don't worry."

luckily, mattsun was smarter than that. "okay, let's start with something small. do you like wearing feminine clothes more now?"

makki's head shot up. how did mattsun know? mattsun laughed. "darling, your closet's wide open. don't worry, i won't judge."

makki took a deep breath, and told mattsun, "i'm not a boy."

if mattsun was confused, he didn't show it on his face. "okay, then what pronouns should i use for you?"

makki smiled. of course her boyfriend was so amazing. "she/her."

"then i have a wonderful girlfriend? should i use a different name"

"just makki! thanks, mattsun."

"i believe it's called being a decent human, dumbass. now, i believe we were going to get boba?"

"let's go," makki cheered. "but i'm driving."

553 words -grey :)

this one is the longest one so far, so i hope you enjoy it. most of my future one-shots will be much shorter than this one, but if you like these longer ones, please tell me. thanks!

Haikyuu OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora