Part 1

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Long have I pondered if I'm yandere in the sense that I am a person with stalker akin behaviors. Every single Time I come back with an answer that makes me feel guilty and hope that I can overcome this horrible habits. I lay on my back with my eyes closed, both craving for and dreading the next person I will obsess over. I want to love and be loved but if my love can only smother what I love to death in it's grip, is it better that I destroy my heart so I can never hurt anyone else again? Is that not what true love is? Wanting someone to be happy and healthy even if it means they aren't with you?

Is that not love? To rather be alone than hurt someone?

Am I like poison? Is my strangling affection why my girlfriend ghosted me? Did you hurt her like everyone I have been with before has hurt me? Is it my fault? Can I ever get better? Is this somehow due to my parents?

Regardless of if I truly am a terrible monster cursed with the ability to know what I am, there's one thing that is true. I sure do like making fiction characters I have a thing for also Yandere. Also that I crave attention. Anyway... I'll be using these three characters. Because Reasons.

Yes, Reasons.

This was a terrible idea.

Oh well!

Marvin goes first. I've seen way more people thirsty for him that my two other childhood crushes. For good reason too. Xenophilia starts early, kiddies. Anyhow, back to the topic at hand. Marvin the Martian. Now alien abduction stories are rather common. People are all up and down to go about complaining about humans wanting a taste of space if you get my innuendo with the right intent do. What I think is nobody ever asks is what if instead of invader horror stories or the beyond it all beings, they are merely as flawed as humanity? And just as horny.

That's right! My suggestion is Marvin decides not to blow up earth because he's an alien fucker too. Suffer!! Suffer with that thought in your head!

Moving forward, how could Marvin the Martian be yandere? Oh quite easily! He's a man from Mars (the god of war) that wants to watch Venus (the goddess of love). There's even versions of the goddess that are both of love and war. The symbolical is right there ripe for the usage. Beyond that, is the text of Duck Dodgers it's shown that his species has a thing for taller ladies or just that their leaders be taller in general whilst being attracted to said leaders. This is something akin to bugs. Meaning that given humans are generally taller than Martians, they could easily fit their views of attractive.

Another thing that one could get from Duck Dodgers, is the massive flaws in the Mars Empire. It really doesn't allow for things like love and relationships as we might think of them, as it's mostly war focused. Yet the people do show something alike humanity in their craving for love and affection. Increasing the likelihood that everyone is a massive horny creepster hiding how desperately they need to be wanted under 7 layers of social, emotional, mental, and sexual representation under the ever growing weight of trying to fit a mold that is not designed for actual Martians.

Heck, even their Queen seems more interested in Earthlings than her own people with noticeable consequences to her wants being very possessive. If not obsessive.

What's really to stop Marvin from getting a little too... Infatuated with Earth? Well Pride in his planet. He believes in that Red dust ball, not the blue green mud ball. He puts his planet in a very special place in his loyalty, all other things go second. Which leaves us stuck. But! That really doesn't stop me. Putting aside the issue of "He would never allow himself to love someone on Earth because it might contradict his Mars is superior ideal" because I can work with both.

The mindset that works with the "Mars is best" and the Marvin is an alien fucker. Marv thinks Mars is best therefore he must display it's superiority to Earthlings by means of The Horny™. Particularly whomever is the target of his obsession as he doesn't seem the type to handle multiple obsessions at any given time.

For fun, let us imagine yandere Looney Toons.Where stories live. Discover now