An Unexpected Warmth

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Chuuya and Dazai were lying parallel to each other on a warm, cozy bed. Chuuya had woken up and simply stared at the ceiling staying still and silent. Many thoughts were in his head, but none in particular, just thoughts he's subconsciously thinking. 

Dazai, who was still asleep stretched, turning onto his left side, stretching his right arm out. Chuuya didn't know why, but he got the sudden urge to do something with it. Chuuya decided not to think it through, lightly grabbed Dazai's hand, and just slightly licked the top of it. He thought he saw Dazai's eyes twitching and whipped his head around realizing what he just did. He stayed still, lying on his back, wishing to simply pass away.

Dazai was, in fact, awake. While only awake slightly, he knows EXACTLY what happened. Dazai slides his left hand under his head, and his right hand over Chuuya's slim waist and past it. His right hand grabs Chuuya's left lightly, and he rubs his palm in circles with his thumb. Dazai is smiling while Chuuya is just- well his face is something. 

Dazai can see the blush creeping on the corners of his face as Chuuya is trying to look at Dazai without fully turning. Dazai leans forward slightly and gives Chuuya a small peck on the cheek. Chuuya, who's head is still turned, almost gasps lightly in surprise but stops himself. His mouth still in an 'o' shape. Dazai lets his eyes rest once again, and Chuuya calms down, fluttering his eyes a few times before letting them be enveloped by darkness. They both slowly drifted off at peace with the other next to them, feeling safe, and feeling warm.

Let me know if you want a part 2 or other stories. This was semi-rushed so that I could write down my idea with the little motivation I had. Also if there's a spelling/grammar error, do tell me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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