Chapter 10

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Wednesday night Gracie is perched in her usual spot next to the timekeeper's area while Dynamite is running its course. Proud and Powerful are currently in the ring with Men of the Year, but Gracie isn't paying much attention to the action. 

Instead, Gracie is leaned back in her chair texting on her phone. Texting Darby to be exact. She's making plans to hang out and grab a late dinner with him after the show. 

"Doc, we need a check." One of the timekeepers nudges Gracie suddenly to get her attention. 

"Hmm? What happened?" Gracie immediately snaps to attention. 

"Ortiz came down on the knee wrong, he's in the corner." The timekeeper explains quickly. 

"Right." Gracie nods and pulls herself together. 

She exits the timekeeper area and hurries over to the corner of Proud and Powerful. Ortiz leans up against the ring with a look of pain on his face while Santana is still working in the ring. 

"You jammed your knee, right? How bad does it hurt?" Gracie rushes over to Ortiz and kneels down in front of him. 

"Pretty bad, doc." Ortiz winces. 

"Okay, can you put any weight on it?" Gracie nods and exams the reddened knee. 

"Barely," Ortiz replies. 

Santana manages to pick up a quick win while Gracie is busy then slides down to his partner to check on him. Gracie keeps him at bay and keeps herself focused. 

"Okay, let's get you backstage." Gracie rises back to her feet. "Santana, can you help him backstage for me, please?" She turns to his partner. 

"Yeah, I got you, doc." Santana nods and lets Ortiz lean on him for support. 

Gracie manages to get Ortiz back to her office so she can get a better look at him. Santana hangs out in the hall while she does her work so he doesn't get in her way. 

"Man, you jammed this thing up pretty bad." Gracie shakes her head at Ortiz a little while later. 

"You're telling me, doc." Ortiz groans. 

"I don't think that you did any bad damage," Gracie replies. "But you're going to want to keep off your feet for a couple of days. Maybe take a week or two off so there isn't any permanent damage." She explains.

"Two weeks?" Ortiz instantly complains. 

"Yeah, sorry." Gracie frowns a bit. "Just sit tight, I'll go and grab you a pair of crutches." She pats Ortiz's shoulder before she walks off. 

When Gracie comes back with a pair of crutches for Ortiz, Santana has come into the room to see him. She idles by and gives Ortiz his crutches then ducks into her office so she can start on the dreaded paperwork that comes with an injury like this. 

Around 10 or so minutes later, Darby swings by the medical office to see Gracie. He walks by Santana and Ortiz just about to leave and wishes Ortiz a speedy recovery. 

"Darby, hey! What's up?" Gracie greets Darby when he knocks on the door and comes in. 

"Hey! I figured that I'd swing by and keep you company since the show is over. How is Ortiz? I saw that spill he took in the ring." He leans on Gracie's desk casually. 

"He jammed up his knee," Gracie replies, eyes on her papers. "But he'll be alright in a week or so as long as he stays off his feet." She shrugs as she scribbles on her paper.

"Damn. It looked like a nasty landing." Darby nods. 

"I imagine it was." Gracie agrees. "Just give me a minute to finish this, then we can head out." She adds quickly. 

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