Chapter 9

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The morning sun shone through the window blinding my sleepy eyes as I slowly awoke from my deep sleep. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, once they focused on the bright room around me I glanced to my side to see a sleeping Erwin. The sun light bounced off his toned muscular body, making it glow. My eyes fell on his beautiful sleeping face, my heart fluttered in my chest. A tear rolled down my cheek and fell onto the sheets below us. I can't believe this is happening, how lucky I am to have him in my life. If he didn't find me that cold snowy night, who knows where or how I would be. I could have been dead by now if it wasn't for him. I had no hope or happiness in my life until I met him. More tears rolled down my face causing me to sniff and wipe them away. "Shit..." I hissed as they continued to flow out of my eyes. I felt the bed shift followed by two warm, muscular arms wrapping around me, pulling me into Erwin's chest. He held me tight and whispered "What's the matter?" I gasped trying to steady my breathing and mumbled "I'm f-fine..." he pulled away and locked his eyes on mine, I giggled cause of how serious he looked. "Really! I a-am. I'm just so thankful that your by my side and you saved me... I would probably be dead by now! So.... Than-." He cut me off by connecting our lips. I moaned and he pulled away "Your welcome, Levi." We laid back down and I snuggled into Erwin's chest. "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" I felt his hand slide down to my bare hip, his thumb gently rubbing up and down. I blushed at the remembrance of last nights events. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "So cute." I frowned "To answer your question, yes I'm fine." He smirked and got on top of me kissing my chest, "Good, ready for more?" The hunger in his eyes made me shiver. "It's t-to early..." He nipped up my chest to my neck and stopped at my ear "Alright, maybe later." He licked my ear then stood up out of bed revealing his naked body. I choked on some spit cause that man is a fucking god. He turned around and I glanced down at his limp noodle. My face burned and I quickly hid under the covers, "Awe... what's the matter babe? It's not the first time you've seen it." I felt him pull on the blankets so I chucked a pillow at him "SHUT UP!" He bursted with laughter and soon I joined in with him. "Come on we gotta get ready." I nodded and we got a shower together.

Once we got to the office Eren greeted us, "Good morning." I smiled and Erwin asked "What's happening today, Eren?" He nodded and looked at his clipboard he always carried around. "Well you have a meeting with Hangie at 12:00 then another with Pixis at 3:00. And that's about all for the big things today." Erwin nodded and glanced at me "Cancel my noon meeting, I'm going out for lunch. Reschedule it for tomorrow." Eren nodded and wrote down a quick note, "Alright, would you guys like anything to drink?" I nodded "A coffee." "Make that two." Erwin added. He smiled down at me and we headed into his office. He sat his stuff down on the desk and began to go through some stuff on his computer. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Eren brought in our drinks soon after. There was nothing good so I just left it on animal planet cause you can never go wrong with that channel most of the time. After about an hour I got bored so I made my way over to Erwin, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed on his neck. He took a deep breath and groaned lowly, "Don't tease me Levi, you'll regret it." I smirked and licked his ear "I'm bored..." he chuckled and turned in his chair to face me. "I'm getting a sense of deja-vu." He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap, "Didn't we do this yesterday?" I blushed. "Did we?" He looked up at me with hungry eyes. I shivered as I held onto his bulky shoulders. He leaned into the crook of my neck and gently bit down earning a muffled moan from me. "I'm hungry..." I whispered. It was close to noon anyways but the way Erwin looked up at me made me realize how sexual that sounded. "Hungry for what?" He gripped my waist and gently pressed his growing hard on against my lower half. I blushed "F-food..." he slid his manly hands under my shirt and up to my nipples, giving them both a pinch. I arched my back and moaned out loud, "What kind of food babe?" His voice was deep, I love it when he lowers it like that. It really turns me on. "Real f-food!" He then realized I was talking about food food cause my stomach growled loudly. He blushed slightly and whispered "Oh..." I laughed causing him to smile. I placed my hand on his abdomen and whispered "That's dessert, Daddy." I whispered the last part in his ear. His breath hitched as he let out a low growl. I backed off and pulled him out of the chair, "Let's get something to eat." He nodded and we both grabbed our jackets and headed out.

We ended up going to some fancy restaurant and had our own private room. We ordered our food and just stared into each others eyes. "Your so adorable." I blushed and fumbled with the hem of my shirt. "Shut up." He chuckled and took a sip of his wine. "What would you like to do after this?" I shrugged. "I don't care." He sighed and leaned back into his chair. "Well, I am still having a slight issue from earlier." My face burned. I stayed silent and looked everywhere but at Erwin. "Don't ignore me Levi." I immediately looked at him. His dominating tone sent a small shiver through my body. "Y-you have a meeting later.." he chuckled and checked his watch, it's only 12:30. That meeting isn't until 3 so that's two hours to kill babe. Unless I over did it last night." I blushed. The waiter came in with our food and left us alone once again. I took a bite of my chicken sandwich and the flavors exploded in my mouth. It was so good. "This is so good!" Erwin chuckled as he took a bite of his steak. "Indeed it is." He then gave me a serious look and said "Be honest with me, did I hurt you last night? You keep ignoring me." I blushed and let out a small sigh "Well... I am pretty sore... but I'm fine really!" He smiled. "Are you sure?" I nodded. Thankfully he dropped the subject cause it's embarrassing for me to talk about it. It was my first time after all. Once we finished eating, Erwin paid the bill and we left. "Wait... why are we going home?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway. "To relax." I nodded and hopped out of the car and headed into the house. Erwin was right behind me and he closed the door. I kicked my shoes off and dropped my ass down on the couch. I let out a loud sigh and Erwin sat next to me, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up into his lap. I blushed since it was the same position as last night. Both my legs were on either side of him, we were face to face, Erwin's hands rested on my waist and my hands were on his bulky shoulders. "What's the matter Levi? Your face is red." I glared at him. "N-no it's not!" He laughed and leaned into my neck placing a few small kisses. "Your so adorable."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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