Chapter 2

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I slept like shit, the temperature dropped and the dumpsters were colder than fuck. They also smelled like a 700 pound lady that hasn't taken a shower in about a year. Disgusting. I woke up to a rat on my head, I squealed like a girl and chucked it. Then I felt horrible for doing that. There was about a foot of snow on the ground which sucked. I walked along the street with my hands in my pockets trying to keep my hands warm but it wasn't working. I walked past a cafe and saw what I've always wanted, a happy and caring family. I watched them joke and play with each other, eating food together and I smiled. The mother saw me and gave me a disgusted look so I kept walking. My face was so sore but the swelling had gone down some. It still hurts though. I turned the corner and walked into someone. They shoved me back and I went right into the road and fell. Cars slammed on their brakes and skidded across the snowy roads. All I did was watched, hoping the car would kill me but it stopped less than a foot away. I slowly stood up and the driver jumped out "What the hell do you think your doing!! Huh!? Jumping in the middle of the god damn road!" I just looked at him and for some reason all I saw was the face of a horse.

I slowly stood up and he threw his fists in the air "Damn it!! Now Mr. Smith is gonna be pissed because I'm gonna be late!!" He got back in his car and drove past me. I slowly got up and out of the road and continued my walk along the street. My stomach growled, I held my belly and sighed. I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours, I was really reaching my hunger limit. I thought back to the horse faced asshole 'Mr. Smith...... Sounds familiar.' I walked into a church that thankfully was serving food to the homeless. I got a bowl of chili and sat in the back corner and ate. It taste so good, it reminded me of my mother. I smiled at that thought then went back to my normal emotionless expression. At least the church cares about homeless people. After I finished I headed out and continued walking along the sidewalk. I sighed and stared at my breath as it disappeared into the freezing air. I shivered and looked for a place to sleep that would be comfortable but I had no luck at all.

It was now dark out and the temperature was dropping. Every minute that passed it got colder, "Damn it. It's so cold." I growled, blowing on my hands to keep them warm. I turned into an ally and found a cardboard box "Well it's better than nothing." Then I found another one and some old nasty towels. I cringed as I covered myself with the box and those frozen crusty towels. I didn't stay warm hardly at all. I couldn't sleep and my body wouldn't stop trembling. "F-F-Fuck!" I whined. I heard footsteps approaching in my direction. I would have sat up but I didn't want to move, I didn't feel cold anymore and I knew that was bad. The footsteps stopped next to me and I glanced up at a tall blond man. I shook like a Chihuahua which was embarrassing. The tall man kneeled down and whispered "How old are you, and why are you sleeping on the street?" His voice was deep and soothing as he put a hand on my face. I leaned right into it, it warmed my cheek up right away. "Eight-t-teen." I managed to stutter. His blue eyes widen "How about you come home with me." He pulled the box and the towels off of me and lifted me up bridal style. I snuggled up to his extremely muscular chest and enjoyed the heat that radiated off him. I heard him giggle and his chest rumbled, I couldn't bring myself to say anything but I did manage to fall asleep.

When I came to i was being sat down on a bathroom floor. I glanced up at the talk man, he was shirtless leaning over the tub to fill it up with warm water. He glanced at me then smiled "How are you feeling?" His voice was deep and intoxicating. I shifted a bit as he shut the water off, "I got you some of my smaller clothes and a towel. Shampoo and conditioner is right there. If you need anything just yell." I nodded "Thanks." I slowly stood up. The man left the room closing the door behind him, I slipped my shirt off and looked at myself in the mirror. My lips were a pale blue, my skin was paler than normal. I traced the scars on my chest and flashes of my uncle beating me flashed through my mind. I stumbled back into the wall and let out a soft grunt. "Fuck." I growled the door cracked open and the blond dude peeked in "Are you alright?" I nodded and held my head "Y-Yeah." He nodded "Do you need any help?" I shook my head "I'm good." I watched his eyes land on my scars then back to look me in the eye "Alrght." He shut the door and I slipped my pants off to reveal more scars. I felt the water in the tub then slipped my boxers off and slid into the warm water.

The water warmed me right up and I let out a sigh of relief "This is nice." I closed my eyes and started to fall sleep. My eyes shot open as the door slowly opened. " How are you doing? " the blonde man asked. I shrugged "Warmer." Her smirked "I don't think I introduced myself, I'm Erwin Smith." I stared at him "Levi. Levi Ackerman." He smiled "Well Levi is it alright if I take your clothes and wash them?" I nodded. He walked over and picked up my smelly clothes, I watched his ass for some reason as he made his way out. I watched his muscles flex and stretch with each step. Thoughts filled my mind and I bit my lip, I could feel my member start to harden then I heard my name, it snatched me right out of my new found fantasy world "Are you sure your ok?" My face heated up and I nodded " Yeah. " he smiled then left. I sighed and sunk into the bath water 'I should wash myself up. ' I thought and grabbed the shampoo. After I finished and drained the water out of the tub, I dried off and slipped on the extremely baggy clothes that Erwin gave me. He didn't give me any boxers....... Just a shirt and shorts.

I walked out of the bathroom feeling clean and refreshed, I could smell something extremely good so I followed the smell out to the kitchen where Erwin was dancing in the kitchen cooking. I watched as he spun around and sprinkled something in a pan then spun back around to put it away. He stopped when he saw me "You feel better?" I nodded then looked at the pan "What are ya cookin?" He smiled "I'm cooking up some sloppy Joes." I nodded " Smells good. " he walked over to me "Wow I guess your smaller than I thought, my clothes from my early ages didn't fit you. " I frowned and crossed my arms "Don't call me short, it's a pet peeve." He nodded and put his hands up defensively "Sorry.... Damn if looks could kill I'd be dead by now. " I smirked "Haha real funny." He giggled until something started to sizzle " Oh no!! " he ran back to the pan and turned down the stove. "Oops." I chuckled. Everything started to spin and I got light headed, "Erwin...." I started to stumble but Erwin caught in time. He held me up to his chest and had a concerned look on his face " What's wrong!? " he sat me up against the wall and grabbed a glass then filled it with water and gave it to me. "Drink, your probably dehydrated." i nodded and he held the glass to my mouth. I started to gulp it down right away. "That's it. You feel better or not yet?" I smirked and nodded " Thanks. " I looked at my lap then looked him in the eyes "Why are you doing this? I'm a complete stranger so why are you helping me?" I smiled and he slid his arm around me causing me to jump and blush? "Because when I see someone in need I have to help especially if they're a young kid like you. You have an entire life ahead of you, when I saw you i just had to take you." a small smile crossed my lips "Thank you.... For everything." He smiled at me and pulled me against him in a hug " Your welcome. "

The Only One Who Cares (ErwinxLevi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant