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y/n l/n is a VERY famous, gorgeous and talented actress, well known for playing Mary Jane (m.j) Carter, the daughter of Steve Rogers and being Peter Parker's love interest in the newest spider-man trilogy.

i would know, i'm y/n

just kidding about the talented and gorgeous stuff, not about the famous stuff though. i have a love/hate relationship with my dream job
howeverrrrrr the one thing i adore more than anything else is meeting new people (i have the best co-workers ever.) I have worked with the most amazing people and they're practically my family now. Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, RDJ, Sebastian Stan, THE PAUL RUDD. He's so cool plus he smells like flowers, i have hay-fever but i'm willing to take the risk of crying if i get to hug him from time to time. i need to rewatch Clueless. Ugh anyway i'm getting sidetracked.

NOW it's a long story to describe my character and how she came to be in the MCU but it's quite similar to Bucky's storyline. So make of that what you will. Oh and also i am in the spider-man movies (obviously not trying to flaunt and brag at all of course not...) but every gift comes with a curse. I have the perfect co-star ever, named Thomas Stanley Holland.

*que me looking out into nothing whilst a flashback starts up*

{2015, filming the airport fight scene for Captain America: Civil War}

'All right everyone stand on your marks' Anthony Russo calls out on a megaphone, we can all hear him perfectly fine without it but i don't know, i think he feels superior like sir we're literal super-heros.
I feel the slight tingle in my stomach, after all this time and i still get nervous to act in-front of others. I hear Downey yell something and all of a sudden a guy who's costume makes him seem very proud of America comes flying over the set on a wire and flips into position beside Scarlett. It takes me a minute to realise the costume is for the amazing spider-man! i'm awestruck, obviously so much is kept under wraps i didn't know which new characters would be joining us on this film

After about two hours of filming the big stunts, i walk over to the opposite lot and get prepared for my fight scene against someone on Team Iron Man. To remind you all again, i have no idea who i will be fighting. i worked out my fight routine with my stunt director and I'm only officially gonna know the person once they walk through the door

side-note: if you had told me in less than 9 seconds no less, my entire life would change i wouldn't have believed you.

i'm talking to joe russo about my upcoming scene, talking about what improvements blah blah blah, when we begin to hear an echo of laughter nearing closer to the entrance

it could be RDJ oh my god i'm so excited if its Robert i always cannot stop laughing with scenes with him

anticipation runs throughout my whole body, not leaving a part of me untouched when two people walk through the door

the first one is the spider-man from earlier! except this time the mask is off and i can finally see his face
'hes kinda cute' i mentally note.
he has brunette curly hair and cute button brown eyes plus his smile seems to light up the room, at least from my view

the second guy is a slightly taller dude, he looks very similar to the spider-boy but not exact. i'm thinking they could be brothers.

'did you say something y/n ??' 'i only heard you mutter the words cute button and spider'. Joe Russo pulls me out of my thoughts embarrassing the life out of me
'oh nothing, just thinking about this character from Monsters Inc. he's a spider and his dress coat has nice buttons'.
'did you sign up for therapy yet?' he's such a thoughtful director wow
before i go into another daydream Joe pulls me out of it however this time the mysterious spider-boy and his relative or scarily identical agent are only 2 feet away

'y/n this is Tom Holland, he's officially been casted for the new spider-man trilogy alongside you as the love interest' 'make quick first introductions and then we will begin the fight scene between the new star crossed lovers'
i roll my eyes as if praying they would fall out of my head

i turn back to face Tom and he's so red and giddy i don't know how to not let out a small laugh
once he sees me laugh i can already see him calming down a little. he lets out a small chuckle before i hear the words that begin all the madness, all the sleepless nights, all the goofy smiles.

'hi i'm Tom' he pulls his hand forward
'y/n, really nice to meet you Tom' i shake it and suddenly never want to let go

and this is where our story begins.

authors note: i feel this is the dumbest thing ever but oh well, i'm sorry its really long i honestly have no clue where to stop and start ugh anyways if anyone ke reads this nice to meet you :)

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