Twisted Love

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"Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was burned in one."

There were no good and bad people in the world, only people with different intentions and morals. But Marinette found that statement somewhat untrue, for what she was going through couldn't be anything but evil. For what these people were doing not only to herself but others could not be justified.


It felt like ice was getting into her veins, but ironically she felt like her body was on fire. It was a weird feeling but an unpleasant one nonetheless. She didn't like the feeling of metal restraints rubbing her skin raw or the surging pain that spread throughout her body, but she had no choice in experiencing these things. But in reality Marinette was never given a choice, not since she was thirteen. She was forced to make a decision in which she was misled to believe she ever had a say in, she was young and naive. But at the age of thirteen she was forced into a war, which led to her current predicament of being a prisoner involving the same war fifteen years later.

Fu had ruined her life by giving her the miraculous, she could somewhat understand why he did it, but she could ever forgive him. She was only a kid. A kid who should've been worried about grades, crushes and pimples not survival, not the depression she faced alone. But not all the blame could be placed on Fu, there were many others who contributed to her unhealthy wellbeing. Such as her classmates, who expected her to give and give and never receive anything in return. Lila Rossi who ruined her social life and isolated her with her lies. Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain, they forced too many expectations on their daughter, while only giving her the bare minimum of what she needed. Hawk Moth, the one who started all of this mess, there were many ways he could've handled his wifes situation differently and taking a city hostage emotionally for years was not one of them. And finally Chat Noir, they were supposed to be partners, to be equals, but Chat took it too far with his advances, touching where she didn't want to be touched or flirting when he should be fighting. She felt dirty from him, and no matter how hard she tried she always felt dirty.

The miraculous were powerful, they could tear apart reality if they wanted to, and in the wrong hands-well Marinette had already seen the destruction they could cause. But Mariette knew after Hawkmoth others would want to claim that power and Marinette being the guardian she held all of it. She tried to hide from prying eyes and she did actually achieve that goal for a few years. After defeating the terrorist she left Paris altogether moving to Russia, also learning the language. She put all the miraculi in the box including Tikki and Plagg, she couldn't risk transforming either. She lived in a worn down apartment while working at a local market, her dreams of becoming a designer long gone.

She lived a peaceful life under the new identity of Mara Cheng for a few years at least, with the miraculous box hidden within a secret compartment in her apartment. But that peace in what was years only felt like seconds when it ended. Hydra came knocking down her door in a large number, there was no way she would've been able to defeat them all no matter how high level her training was. But it was obvious when they didn't find what they were looking for in the apartment they took her instead.


She was alone with her thoughts, always has been. But when her mind wandered, it never came out as a good outcome on her mental health. Her mind was very  creative when it came to thinking up scenarios, something she wished she wasn't so good at. But as she sat there; head laying against the concrete wall, limbs laying limp against her sides, eyes seeming unfocused and gazing into simply nothing she found herself unknowingly mumbling a song. A lullaby her mother would sing to her when she seemed to actually love her daughter. It was a sweet song, one that was engraved into her mind. A few broken lyrics escaped her lips, but they came out hoarse from her absence of using her voice for so long or maybe that was from the screaming. She hated feeling so useless, being chained like an animal but there was nothing she could do about it. And an attempt at escape would only lead to heavy punishment. She's already been there, she's already done that.

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