2: Imogen/Laudna

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Laudna kicked open the door to their room in Zhudanna's, arms around Imogen in an attempt to keep her standing. Imogen tilted her head up and leaned further against Laudna's shoulder and side.

Giggling a bit Imogen said, "I promise I'm not usually this-" she stumbles but rights herself, "this uncontrolled."

Once again kicking the door closed, Laudna guides Imogen to the edge of the single bed. After assisting Imogen all the way down to the Windowed Wall. It may have been easier to stay in the Spire by Fire after their drinks and celebration with their friends, but they had groceries still to drop off for Zhudanna before they'd spoil. While Imogen did not drink excessively, the nice Elven liquor Ashton bought was certainly hitting her hard.

"It's quite alright dear." Laudna unlacing Imogen's shoes and then her own before setting them by the bedroom door.

"Yes, but you did half carry me back here. Thank you." Imogen fell back on the mattress with her legs still over the edge and her long lilac hair spilling out. Closing her eyes, she relaxes.

"Don't go to sleep just yet, you're covered in filth from today and you're still in your day clothes." Laudna says, moving to set up the large tub in the corner of their room.

It was one of the first additions Laudna added to the room, with Zhudanna's permission of course. Since they were renting, they did not want to intrude on her space. Thanks to her eye for design and functionality, the small space in the corner of the room was made with a screen for a bit of privacy and a wooden shelf to keep a small basin on. The tub itself was crafted and reinforced from an old crate.

Imogen pops back up and sticks her lip out in a pout. Laudna's right. She moves to start undress and it takes longer than usual to get her vest buttons undone. Leaving herself in just her pale blue wrapped dress, she walks to where Laudna has started filling the tub. The water's not warm, it's barely deep enough to reach either of their chests.

They are no plumbers, but with the help of Orym and FCG they were able to create a spigot on the wall that brought water from a rain barrel, again reinforced. They also crafted a drain to let the water run out the back of the home. Laudna kneels on the rug underneath, turning the spigot off and grabbing a bar of soap off the shelf as well.

"Imogen, let me wash your hair?" Laudna reaches her long fingers towards Imogen to offer her hand.

Imogen very carefully moves to Laudna, swaying slightly as she goes. Laudna stands up again to hold her steady, hands resting lightly on her waist. Imogen moves to undo the tie next to Laudna's hand and Laudna takes over, long nails easily untying the knot. The dress slips away leaving Imogen bare.

Laudna drapes it over the top of the screen to let air out, maybe wash later. She takes Imogen's hand again and helps her into the tub. She plops down with a splash and almost instantly regrets it.

"This is freezing—"

"Oh it'll be alright," Laudna says with a smile.

Imogen rests her back against the cold edge of the tub and presses her feet to the other side. Her knees still peek out of the top of the water. Tilting her head back, her hair is only a couple inches off the dry ground on the outside of the tub.

Today wasn't strenuous, but the laying of grime from walking along the dusty cobblestone streets of the Spires covered Imogen's legs. There's still a bit of dirty under her jaw and up into her scalp from stumbling into the street from the tavern, confident she could walk herself home before Laudna stepped in. Combined with the dry weather, the long walk back, and the heat already in her body from the drinks, there was another layer of sweat on her brow as well.

Laudna's hands tilted her head forward to tilt her chin to her chest while she poured water over her hair. Shivering, Imogen gripped the edges of the tub while Laudna worked. Laudna's long nails scraped her scalp, not unpleasantly, as she gathers the lilac hair to make working the soap in easier. A noise of content leaves her lips as her head tilts back again.

"Lean up darling," Laudna gently pushes Imogen forward so the wet hair isn't dripping on the floor.

Laudna's hands have never been "cold", but there is an eerie "room temperature" they give off. Neither gives heat or taking it. Nevertheless, a slight chill runs down her spine.

Imogen turns to look over her shoulder, the heated pink on her cheeks visible to Laudna.

"I can wash the rest of me."

Laudna gives Imogen a washcloth and the bar of soap and she begins to clean her arms and legs. The soap smells like spice and honey. Definitely market bought. Laudna continues to wash her hair, occasionally massaging her scalp. Imogen leans into it.

Rinsing her hair goes quick as Imogen scootches forward enough to dunk her head back. Turning to face Laudna, she smiles big. Laudna looks at Imogen's eyes, at her pink freckled cheeks, and pursed lips. She can tell the long day is making her girl sleepy.

There's still a smudge of grime under Imogen's jaw she must have missed. Grabbing an extra cloth and moving closer, Laudna tips her head up with one finger under her chin. Imogen holds her breath as her skin is wiped over once more. Her eyes flutter when Laudna moves away to grab her a towel.

Standing up with her as well, Laudna drapes the towel around Imogen's body to help dry the water off her shoulders first. She holds her hands out as Imogen steps out of the tub in case she slips. They stand chest to chest as Launda runs her hands over the towel continuing to dry. Imogen rests her forehead on the base of Laudna's neck while she's dried, her hair curtaining and hiding her face further.

"Imogen dear, lets get you dressed and dried more. While you finish let me clean up over here a bit."

Imogen feels Laudna's voice through her skin touching her chest. She gives a silent nod and goes to put on her night dress once she feels her body and hair is dry enough. Feeling more tired than tipsy at this point, Imogen lazily brushes the knots out of her hair and sitting at the foot of the bed when her partner's done cleaning up the bathroom.

Stepping back from behind the screen, Laudna's also changed into a nightgown just as dark as the rest of her aesthetic. Her hair is taken out of its half up, chisel set aside, and her jewelry has been put away for the night as well. She can see where she's placed Pâté on the side table on her side of the bed. Laudna steps in front of her takes the brush from her hands.

Placing her hands on Imogen's warm cheeks, Laudna places a gentle kiss on her lips, then to her forehead. Imogen leans into her and puts her hands over Laudna's on her face.

She strokes her girl's face, "It looks like bedtime, yes?"

Imogen's eyes are already half closed as she hums and moves towards the head of the bed, not letting Laudna's hands go. Laudna's pulled up and under the covers as Imogen slots herself against her. Turning on her side, Laudna pulls her towards her chest so she's flush against Imogen's back. She can smell the spice and honey soap in her freshly cleaned hair as she makes herself comfortable rest her chin on her lover's head.

Laudna idly runs her handover the material of Imogen's gown. It's less sheer than her normal underdress and it's soft under her fingers. Imogen takes her hand and laces their fingers together before resting their hands back on her front.

Imogen sighs once more before fully relaxing and in a matter of minutes her breath evens.

Laudna's not usually one to reach a deep slumber, but she always sleeps a little better knowing her Imogen is right there with her should they need each other.

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