3: Dorian & Orym & Fearne

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I love these three. Much love and luck to Robbie. Can't wait to see you again!

Orym was mowing down the shade creepers with Fearne following close behind in her dire wolf form, tearing limbs away and simultaneously avoiding the short blasts when they combusted. Mister was holding onto Dorian's mantle as the bard was providing swipes with his scimitar and bouts of cure wounds as they went. Mister himself was screeching and using his "flaming seed" to any that got too close.

The still unnamed group had split up to do some recon for Lord Eshteross, and the trio had managed to run into a gang of shade creepers along the way. They were towards the base of the Lantern Spire when they noticed them wreaking havoc along the back-streets in town. They chased them back into the cavern where they came, now in the entrance leading into what was probably their home.

"Why are there so many?" Dorian half-yelled.

Orym slid across the ground, sweeping his sword across them as he went, "I don't know, I think they keep coming from further in! We need to seal it off somehow!"

Fearne continued ripping shade creepers off their feet and flinging them back into the cavern, some exploding when they'd impact the ground below. It was worth mentioning that not all of them had the blackened eyes or exploded. In fact, most had the normal red eyes that Imogen and Laudna said they cleared from Zhudanna's place.

One of the shade creepers tried to leap at Dorian's back and Mister met it with fury, both rolling on the ground and Mister lighting it up point blank. He skittered up the side wall and continued to provide support to Dorian, per Fearne's request earlier.

As if noticing a lapse in fire power, more of the shade creepers rushed for Dorian. While still using his scimitar, he also began kicking them away. He activated the winged boots, expecting to gain a bit of space between himself and the shade creepers. As he floated up, they continued to leap at his legs, taking swipes at his ankles and shins.

The shade creepers were not holding back, now excitedly leaping towards him accepting the challenge. Dorian kept kicking them off, spinning, and floating back towards the cavern wall to try and shake them off. Mister kept firing his "flaming seed" trying to keep them at bay but they started to overwhelm him.

One lept from the cave wall to grab onto the mantle and other lept right on his sword-wielding arm. Dorian dropped the weapon in favor of just grabbing them and throwing them off him. One ambitious shade creeper grabbed his hair and Dorian yelped as his head jerked to the side. Being thrown off tilt, he flew straight into the wall full speed and knocked the wind out of himself. The shade creeper tugged again and he flew straight into the ground, his shoulder hitting hard.

"Shit shit shit!" Dorian couldn't get his feet under him to continue flying again, being swarmed in the process.

The shade creepers were no longer taking swipes, but he realized that they were starting to drag him away from the entrance and towards the center of the spire to who knows where.

"They're taking Dorian!" Orym shouted, getting Fearne's attention.

She let out a howl and immediately charged right into the swarm, continuing to throw shade creepers left and right to get them off him. Grabbing Dorian by the scruff of his cape, she dragged him up to his feet where he cast thunderclap to try and put space between them.

Orym slid once more, picking up Dorian's scimitar from the ground and continued evading as he booked it towards his friends. He tossed the scimitar to Dorian who caught it and immediately struck another shade creeper, the arc lighting the path in the dimmer cave light.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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