Chapter One:The Night

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         ¨So,  where  are  we  all going  tonight?¨ Kiana muttered to the group of girls surrounding  the closet door trying on all varieties of clothing. ¨Guys there is a new club on 47th if you wanna go. Liam knows the manager so we can eat for free.¨ Paige giggled as she tried on a peach pink tee that compliments her light auburn hair with her freckled pale skin. She was so beautiful. Charlotte throws a pair of skinny jeans at Paige saying ¨Aww, of course Liam knows the manager. But yeah sounds cool we can go.¨ Lauren walks into the bedroom and plops onto the bed flipping her blonde hair. 

        Kiana is wearing a black crop top with high-waisted mom jeans and her Nike Airs. Lauren is showing off a white plain t-shirt with black skinny jeans accompanied by their black converse. Paige is wearing a peach colored tee with ripped skinny jeans along with Air Forces. Charlotte wears a black graphic tee with some band she's obsessed with for the week with her sweatpants and Nike Airs.  They all quickly combed through their hair and got an Uber ride to the club.

      In the car, Paige texts Liam ¨Hey,we're going to that club on 47th. We'll be there soon. :)¨ Soon after he texts back with ¨Ok. Be there shortly¨ They all scroll on their phones waiting to get to their destination. Lauren nudges everybody's shoulders and points towards her phone,showing the news stations page. The bright dimmed phone reads ¨BREAKING NEWS: NEW SERIAL KILLER ON THE LOOSE 7 DEAD LAST WEEK. Click for more info...¨ It was eight,wasn't it? Maybe nine but definitely not seven. ¨That can't be true right?¨ questioned Kiana. ¨It says here to watch out for a big builded man¨  ¨That's like half this town, you'll be fine Ki.¨ Paige spoke.

¨We're here.¨ the Uber driver stated with a gravelly voice. They all excitedly get out of the car and step out onto the rough paved sidewalk.They look like models. Mariquana and booze aroma fills the air when a couple of frat boys pass them. They look around for Liam and they see him waving at them from inside the club. He's wearing a loose white shirt with black jeans. They rush toward the overcrowded club.  A big hand stops in front of them, not allowing them to enter. ¨ID?¨ the assumed bouncer asks. ¨None,just stamp our hands we're fine.¨ Charlotte says, annoyed giving her hand to the tall club bouncer. They head into the club and Paige sprints to Liam hugging him. Oh come on,what about me Paige? Ki rolls her eyes and goes with Lauren to grab a drink a few feet away. ¨I'm sorry if that reminds you of him.¨ Lauren says while grabbing a diet coke from the bartender. ¨I'm over him. Don't worry¨ ¨Yeah ,suree¨ Lauren giggled sarcastically. They eventually find Charlotte and start dancing the night away to the loud booming music. ¨Char,wanna go get a burger? I'm starving.¨ Kiana whined. Charlotte nods and stumbles over to the bar with Ki to order food. ¨One burger,no lettuce for her. And a fry for me.¨ Charlotte says while pulling out money out of a worn-out wallet. ¨No worries,it's on the house.¨ the bar-keeper waved off. Eventually, They spot a cook with an apron on, holding their food proudly, setting it in front of them and walking off. The smell of the salted crispy fries and cheese from the grilled burger were in the air. After eating,they lick their greasy fingers and walk back to the dance floor.  ¨Lauren, Where's Paige and Liam?¨ Kiana inquired. ¨What? I can not hear you over all this.¨ pointing to the speakers. Ki waves it off and flows to the music with Lauren and Charlotte with no care or worry in the world. They looked so happy.

Friends Till the End Right?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant