Chapter Six: Friends Until the End

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        ¨Official update to the greatly known Paige Loom's case. Her significant other and 3 of her  known to be close friends were found deceased when police arrived to the scene along with Paige's body. Liam Sandler with a gunshot through his head,Kiana Reems injected with a needle and stabbed multiple times,Charlotte Vinsent was poisoned with noxious gases,Lauren Cobwell shot through the chest and Paige Loom had strangulation marks with great stab wounds. They will be greatly missed. They were all juniors at Alin High School and were known for putting a smile on everybody's faces. The police department of Alin,Massachusetts will not stop until they find the killer who is believed to be Shawn Possk, also a junior at the same high school. Please be careful out there folks, and watch out. This is Margaret from Channel News 5 reporting back to you,goodbye.¨ the loud booming voice from the box TV yells.

They were so pretty,even in death.

    They'll never catch me, I'm too good. I honestly didn't want it coming down to that,but it had to be done. I couldn't get caught just because some little girl got mad that her friend died. Little do they know how much Paige kept from them. Paige didn't even like them. Actually,I think she doesn't even like Liam. I've seen the way she's looked at me in school. She loves me. It really made me mad when she got that restraining order,I had to do something about it. I showed her what I felt when I did that.

    No,I'm not psycho. I know what you're thinking. ¨He stalked and killed those girls?? He deserves to go to jail.¨ most of you might say. But,here me out. It first started back in May 2016. She added me on Snapchat by search. We started talking and I fell in love with her. I asked her out on a date without her knowing what I looked like and she obliged. I didn't want her to fall in love with my looks, I wanted her to be in love with me. ¨I'll be wearing a black zip up jacket:)¨ were my words before our first real encounter.

We met at this cute little downtown bar. It was really dark outside but light enough to see faces and outfits. I turn around and there she is. She really looked her best that night. She almost had a scared look on her face. ¨I'm sorry,I have to go. You said you looked completely different. I don't date insecure catfishes.¨ she muttered to me with a disgusted look across her face. She ran off with everybody looking at me. She embarrassed me like that in front of everyone. That too,made me really mad. By the time I got home,I was blocked on every form of social media. I made fake accounts to follow her,and that same night she was with Liam. She had two dates in one night.

I guess I wasn't so special,but she was everything to me. I stayed outside her house watching her and followed her everywhere until she got a restraining order on me when she found out. That just made my anger worse. Couldn't she see I loved her? I loved her more than Liam ever could. That night at the club was the perfect time to get revenge,since it was dark and loud. It reminded me of the place we first met. It's funny how things work out like that. I got her and took her home. It was finally just us two. Just like how it was destined to be.

    ¨POLICE. WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE SHAWN. YOU MIGHT AS WELL COME OUT AND SURRENDER.¨ a police officer yells through the thin wooden front door. ¨GOT HIM! He was trying to run out the back.¨ Officer Gates says arresting me. ¨You're not going to hurt people anymore Your fingerprints were found all over their bodies and Paige's cell. Youre going away for a long time.You know your rights.¨ Gates speaks as he ducking my head into the back of a police car.

    ¨This is Margaret from Channel News 5. Shawn Possk arrested for the murders of 13 young teenagers. The trial will be held this sunday. Allegedly,Shawn was cat-fishing Paige, and she got upset when they met up and therefore blocked him on all forms of communication. That turned into an obsession with young Paige,and she got a restraining order. Shawn claims that made him upset and killing her and her friends were a form of payback. I'm Margaret giving you the inside scoop of everything. Not everyone is who they say they are. A simple date and no caused all of this. Be careful about who you meet up with. Goodnight Alin.¨ the TV in the sheriff's station shrieks loudly.

    It's Sunday. I'm on the stand and their parents are here crying. As if I didn't do them  a favor. ¨Shawn Possk,you are here-by sentenced to maximum security prison for life with 5 counts of first degree murder and 8 counts of second degree murder.¨

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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