Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm not sure if anyone's reading this, but here's chapter 3...

Harry stared apprehensively at the two girls that came out of the room and exchanged glances with Ron and Hermione.

The taller one had curly red hair, blue eyes and a few freckles splattered across her face. She was looking at everyone with a calculating expression on her face that distinctly reminded Harry of someone, but he couldn't quite place a finger on it.

The shorter one (who was redheaded as well) had brown eyes, lots of freckles and a set jaw that once again reminded Harry of someone.

She was staring intently at one of the twins (he couldn't figure which one. Was it George? No... it was Fred. Or maybe it was George. Who cared?). It suddenly struck Harry- that set jaw belonged to Fred and George.

But again, the girl didn't look like the twins. She had almond-shaped eyes and a face shape that didn't belong to Fred and George.

One thing, however, was pretty clear: both these girls (or Death Eaters in disguise, thought Harry) could easily pass off as Weasleys.

Snape and Professor Dumbledore had exited the room with them as well. Snape was very quiet, with his lips pursed and a strange look on his face. Professor Dumbledore, on the other hand, was smiling.

He cleared his throat and said, 'These two girls are indeed from the future. Twenty-six years, to be exact. For the sake of not disrupting the timeline, I am in no position to say more. However, I am certain that you do realize that they belong to the Weasley family,' he said, turning towards Mr and Mrs Weasley and smiling benignly. 'Your future grandchildren.'

Mrs Weasley gave a little gasp and beamed at the girls, moving towards them and enveloping them in a tight hug before turning to Mr Weasley and beaming; her eyes shining.

Harry once again exchanged an incredulous look with his best friends. How could Dumbledore believe them so easily?

As if hearing Harry's thoughts, Dumbledore continued, 'Professor Snape and I have used Veritaserum to verify, and we can say with full confidence that they are speaking the truth and are not a threat.'

To Harry's surprise, Moody, who had been looking incredibly sceptical- more so than Harry, Ron and Hermione- nodded reluctantly at Dumbledore's words.

Harry looked at Ron and Hermione, trying to catch their eyes- surely they didn't believe those girls too, did they?- but to Harry's surprise (and annoyance), they were looking reassured.

'They will be staying at Grimmauld Place for the time being until someone from their time comes back to take them back. Please refrain from asking them any questions about the future, however appealing it may seem. I have to go now,' he said suddenly, with a sudden shift in his tone. 'I have some business at Hogwarts. Goodbye!'

He had completely ignored Harry, who felt an inexplicable surge of anger towards his headmaster. He was going to be tried tomorrow, for Merlin's sake. Didn't he at least deserve an 'all the best' if not a proper explanation for why he had been cooped up at the Dursleys and isolated for such a long time?

'What are your names, dearies?' asked Mrs Weasley, smiling at her "granddaughters"; which snapped Harry out of his reverie.

'Lils,' said the younger one, smiling brightly.

The older one, whose face was filled with tension, relaxed slightly as she saw Mrs Weasley's smile replied, 'Rose.'

'It is already too late, Rose, Lils. You are all going to bed. The same goes for you lot,' she said, turning sharply at Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the twins.

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