Haha get sexed madeleine.

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"I wanna sex you"
They sex
"Oh yes harder daddy"
"Madeleine im cumming"
"I came"
"Your dick is so small that I didn't feel shit im breaking up with you"
"Oh ok"
"Bye you dumb fart"
"Bye you mcdonalds looking ugly fuck I never liked you anyways go die"
"K bet"

Madeleine died, the end 😍😍😍😍

Anyways I made up this new thing.
Basically, you know the milk cartons you get in lunch at school right.
Well, you point it at someone, sqeeze it, and yell "cum attack!"
But some old hag made a kid report me to the dean it was very scary.
And this kid looks like obama its really funny to call him obama 😀
I thought of it after I slammed a milk carton so hard it bust open and some kid called it cum so I thought of cum attack and started spraying milk at people I don't like.
Ok thank you for listening to my rant if your reading this your an ugly fart like Madeleine.

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