A Fairy and A Witch Meet in a Club...

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Icy's mother always told her to never trust a changeling. They were sneaky, snarky, snake-like beings more interested in relishing in their own desires than anything else in the world. At first the young witch would take it seriously, nodding earnestly while in her mother's warm lap. But as she got older she would just sagely nod at her mother's advice if anything to get the older woman to leave. Her older sister would then flounce in and helpfully point out not only had their mother married a changeling, but had two children with one. So in reality how reliable were their mother's wise words?

The older witch would scowl at her clacking daughters, rolling around in glee. With a smirk her mother would send a snowy chill to chase the eldest around the house. Which she would duck and run from while Icy would pick herself up from the floor to catch her breath. At some point her father would see this interaction, and laugh under his breath. Happily, finding his daughter to wrap her in his warm embrace, his bread tickling the top of Icy's head, citing his need to protect her from the battle between mother and eldest. It was a sweet moment for the small, usually troubled family. One of the very few sweet moments the family would have left in the coming days. One of the very few moments they would have left as a family.

These latent memories had seeped into Icy's mind while she leaned against the gritty cinder wall of Magix's "hottest" new club. The reason it being dubbed the "hottest" because of how terrible the security was at catching fake IDs. In reality the place was nothing more than a warehouse with a cheaply made bar placed near the back to serve watered down booze to minors. It was a strobe light filled hell scape smelling of bitter arsenic cigarettes and pheromone cologne. It was perfectly designed to keep Magix's young population distracted from the annoyances of everyday life.

If Icy was to participate she would be distracting herself from the latest batch of students of the various schools of magic. She was particularly avoidant of a new transfer from Earth, Bloom.

The crystalline eyes of the Ice Witch looked around the smoky dancefloor as if thinking the name would summon her wannabe stalker. Icy sighed while massaging her forehead with the pads of her frozen fingers, wishing the changeling had never spotted her at the school's welcoming ceremony. Once she had caught sight of Icy's pallid flowing hair she became obsessive. At every turn she could feel the other Bloom's suffocating body heat. Hear the throaty hum of her breathing.

With a shake of her head she tried to dismiss the intruding thoughts. Her curtain of shimmering hair swinging around and releasing the cutting smell of spearmint. The silky strands tickling her bare arms, and exposed midriff. For tonight's activities she had decided on a short midnight blue halter dress, and a pair of rhinestone wedges. Actually it had been the outfit for her.

Her supposed Could Tower sisters caught her after class and dragged her out to the club in an attempt "to loosen her up". These same sisters then abandoned her once they got to the club. Darcy went to flirt with Musa, and Stormy left to arm wrestle Red Tower warriors. To both humiliate them and score some cash. Which left Icy by herself.

She didn't mind so much. It at least made hiding easier, Icy thought as she fiddled with one of her diamond rings. Unfortunately the Ice Witch's blissful solitude could not last.

"Wanna dance?" Her solitude was unfortunately interrupted by a slicked back Blondy in a cargo crop top combo.

Icy tilted her head to weigh her options. After some internal debate she came to the conclusion she should at least dance a little before the night was over. Hell, maybe she'd even have fun. With a great sigh, and a roll of her head she held out her hand. Blondy snatched and led her to the dance floor.

Once they were under the multi-colored strobe lights, and on the vibrating floor Icy's cold heart started to thump. The usually frozen organ matching time with the music. Blondy seemed to sense the Ice Witch relaxing, and pulled her closer. Under her touch she felt their gray skin slick with sweat. She would have run into the same issue if her core body temperature wasn't below freezing. One of the perks of quite literally having ice in her veins.

After a few fast paced high energy songs it shifted to something more ...slow and their dancing became more intimate. Icy jumping up to wrap her legs around Blondy's surprisingly sturdy waist. Their face now strategically placed at her chest, and their slick hands coming up to the underside of her slender thighs to steady the Ice Witch. It wasn't necessarily a magical moment, but it was at least a good one.

Between the heat of the gyrating bodies, the explosiveness of the base, and general club chaos there was no space for much else. Certainly no space for a warning about what was about to happen next. So enraptured in the flow of the music Icy could not sense or predict a calloused hand ripping her from Blondy's hold into a very strong, very warm embrace.

In this quick action Icy went from gleefully dancing to being trapped in a pair of muscular arms, and Blondy kicked to the floor. They did not like this, and sprang up with a hiss. Their forked tongue flicking out, venom collecting in the edges of their mouth. A mistake on Blondy's part as Icy's captor returned it with a snarl and explosion of leathery dragon wings. The wings came around the startled witch, effectively trapping her.

Screams, yells, and shouts around her distracted the Ice Witch from the fact she was being moved. It wasn't until she felt the rough brick against her back did she know she was outside.

Both captor and captured waited a beat before the dragon wings retracted. Icy blinked the sounds of Magix's nightlife filtering in. The rumble of cars and yells from drunks helping her ears to stop ringing. The fresh night smell helping her brain to focus on who had kidnapped her. And in a surprise to exactly no one it was Bloom.

Six foot very muscular Bloom. With eyes that were now a burning black, and scars across her face that flexed as she let out low shuddering breaths. The air becoming steam as it met Icy's cold aura.

A lesser mortal would have been afraid of the person in front of her. Not surprising since everything about Bloom could be considered terrifying. Her pale complexion which allowed people to see her veins glow like rivers of magma beneath her skin. Her fiery red hair tumbling over her broad shoulders, covering part of her face. The feathery bangs covering where her horns had receded. The exposed ropes of scars on her arms that the Ice Witch's sharp acrylic nails trailed all the way underneath her black muscle tank. Her frigid fingertips stopped at the first red ridge on the solid abs.

Icy was not a lesser mortal, so she was only mildly annoyed. In her irritation she moved her delicate hands from where they were resting on Bloom's stomach up her neck to the changeling's face; the pounding blood following the cold touch. She stopped at each cheek the tips of her blue star studded nails resting below the black eyes. She then shifted so she was more comfortably situated between Bloom's camo covered legs. The growling and grumbling from earlier settling into a purr. Icy cracked a smile, just like a kitten.

"Bloom?" A high pitched flighty voice spoke up from behind the hulking dragon.

"Ice you okay?" There came Stormy's voice. A little slurred from the shot contest she had won.

"Sis? Did the big bad dragon hurt you?" Annd there was Darcy. Great, both her sisters were here.

Seeing that her time was up Icy sighed. She looked into Bloom's eyes, the black receding to reveal azure pupils. They really were such a pretty color.

"Ice? Come on let's go!''

"Bloom, she has to leave now."

The reprimand and request seemed to finally break through the changeling's haze and forced her back, allowing Icy to walk back to her friends.

"Say bye-bye Icy!"

"Shut up Darcy."

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