Chapter 4

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Ashton's POV(thats right I did it ;p)

I was so excited that she asked if anyone wanted to come with her. I'll be able to spend some alone time with her, even though we just met I can't help but want to be with her. She is beautiful. I look over at her driving. She is quietly singing under her breath.

I can't help but notice the small things about her, like how when she drives she leans over the stearing wheel, as if she is trying to get a better look at the road. Like how when she smiles she has one dimple on the left side of her mouth, or how she has so many freckles scattered all over her face. I exspecially like how her blonde hair flows all the way under her belly button, and on the very top of her head she keeps a bandana, that matches mine. 

She turns and looks at me. "Are you coming in? She asks smiling.

"Uhm yeah. I will if you want me to." I manage. She smiles so wide that her eyes crinkle, and her dimple gets so deep. 

"Of course I want you to!" She says unbuckling her seatbelt. We get out of the car and walk into the Pizza Hut. My noes is immideitly filled with the amazing smell of pizza of all kinds.

"God, I love pizza!" I say happily. She nods in agreement. As she orders the pizza, I see a guy sitting at a table starring at her in awe. He gets up and starts walking over to us. "OHMYGOD YOUR LEXI VEGA!" She blushes and smiles. "I love your videos so much!" He tells her. 

"Awh thank you! Whats your name?" She asks him.

"My name is Chase." He replys. "Do you think I could get an autograph?" She nods and he hands her his phone and a sharpie. She signs his phone case and he looks over to me. "Could you take a picture of us please?"  I give her a confused look and she gives me an awkward smile.  

"Sure." I say taking the phone from him. I snap a couple pictures and hand him back him phone. He looks at me like its the first time hes seeing me. "Are you and Lexi dating!?" He asks.

"U-uh.... no." I say blush rising on my cheeks. "We actually just met." He gives me a look like, I feel you. 

"Oh well it was nice to meet you!" He says walking away.

Lexi's POV

That could not have been anymore awkward. I love meeting people that know who I am, there is only like 300 of them, but it was awkward that Ashton was there and I will have to tell him what it was about. 

We get our pizzas and head back to the car. "So... what was up with that boy back there?" He asks.

"Oh.... yeah. Well I have some singing videos on youtube, and I only have like 300 subscribers but I have some fans."

"Oh.... well I'd like to hear you sing some time." He says. I nod. Hmm... maybe this won't be so bad.

We get back to the house, and I yell "PIZZA DELIVERY!!!!" And all the boys come running in and take a box. I grab some plates, and we all head into the living room.


"Wow that was some really good pizza." Calum says. We all nod in agreement.

"I agree. Hey Lexi.... we should watch a movie!!!!!" I stand up and walk over to the shelf. 

"Okay, whatcha guys wanna watch." Luke looks at me for a minute with a smirk on his face. I give him a knowing look. I grab a movie off the shelf and put in the blue ray player. The movie starts and I look over at Michael.

 "GUYSSSS! WHAT THE FUDGE." He says groaning. I laugh. "Mean girls really? We watch this so much on the tour bus!!!" 


After the movie I stand up and strech. "Ready for bed guys?"  I ask.  They all nod. "Follow me."

"So we don't have enough rooms so someone can stay with me. Luke you can sleep here," I say pointing to the guest room. "Calum and Michael, you guys can stay here." I point to the spare room. "And Ashton you can stay with me." Mickey yawns and they all head off to their rooms. 

Ashtons follows me, and I make him a little bed and quickly change and brush my teeth. "Good night Ash."

"Good night beautiful." Ashton mumbles. 

So what do you guys think!? I hope you like it.... I think this is a longer chapter... Anyways comment what you think and give me some ideas. :) 

Stay beautiful..... 

As always: Ilsa;-)

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