Chapter 5

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Lexi's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. He called me beautiful.... Ashton Irwin called me beautiful!  I decided to get up really early and start breakfast for everyone. I tried to be careful stepping over Ashton but being the clutz I am I managed to fall right on top of him, startling him awake.

"Oh... uhm hey..." He says smirking at me. I blush, and smile awkwardly at him. 

"Sorry, I was trying to step over you carefully but obviously that didn't really work." I say struggling to get off him. 

"Its fine.... what time is it anyway?" He ask yawning. 

"Oh uhm its 4:48." I tell him standing up with his help. 

"Why the hell are you up this early? Are you okay?" He asks with a puzzled look.

I laugh. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep so I was gonna go start breakfast." I tell him. He stands up and I notice he is shirtless. I was just laying on top of a shirtless Ashton Irwin. He picks up his shirt and puts it on slowly.

"You know the boys don't wake up 'till like noon right?" He says with a smile. He giggles, and I can't help but do the same. He has the cutest laugh ever. 

"I know, I just figured it would take a while, and then I could wake you guys up later." I realize my mistake. Its four, and it would only take like an hour.... haha I'm a genuis.

"Oh... well do you want some help?" He asks, a glint of hope in his eyes.

I smile at him. "Of course you can! I bet you're a fabulouis cook.... I mean you are Ashton Irwin" I laugh. "C'mon, lets head downstairs."

We make our way downstairs careful not to wake the other boys up. "So what were you think of making?" He asks. 

"Well.... me and Calum are going shopping today." I tell him, he frowns. "The only thing we have right now is pancake stuff, and eggs... maybe bacon?" I tell him but it comes out as more of a question. He nods.

"The boys love those things so sounds good." I open the cupbord and try to get the pancake batter but I'm to short to reach. Ashton comes over, grabs me by the waist and picks me up so I can reach, I grab it and he gently puts me down.

"T-thank you." I say. His hands are still around my waist. Oh can't breath. Wow. He. Is. Flawless, and don't even get me started on those hands. 

"No problem." He says letting go. "Is the bacon in here?" He says pointing to the freezer. I nod, and he opens it grabbing the bacon. After we have all the ingrediants we need we get started. I start preparing the pancakes, and Ashton fries up the bacon. I fill my hand with pancake batter. "Hey Ashton," I say.

"Yeah?" He asks turning around. I wipe the batter all over his face. He giggles and picks me up, scooping some batter into his hands. He starts by putting a dot on my nose then he smears it on my cheeks. We are both laughing. He looks into my eyes, and starts moving his face closer to mine. 

"Hey what smells so go-" Calum says. "Oh...... am I interupting anything....?" He asks. Ashton puts me down and smiles at his bandmate. 

"Nawh we were just getting breakfast ready and fooling around." He says. Calum nods.

"Oh, well it smells really good. I'll go wake up the others." He says walking away. 

"What time is it?" I ask Ashton. He turns his phone on.

"Almost 9." He tells me smiling. Holy shit.

"How is that possible?!" He laughs. 

"Oh and by the way Lexi.... this is to be continued." He says winking. I blush, and smile looking down. "Lets finish this before the others come down." He says turning back to the bacon.


"This is worth waking up early for! Wow guys this is amazing." Luke says shoving a pile of bacon in his mouth.

"I agree." Michael says, mouth full of pancake. Calum nods in agreement.

"Why were you guys up so early anyways?" Luke asks. I blush.

"Oh well.. I couldn't sleep, so I woke up to make yall some food, and I fell on Ashton while walking over him, and he woke up and helped." I tell them. "But anyways hurry up and eat Calum.... we have a long day of grocery shopping to do." I say.

"Okay, I'm done anyways just let me go get dressed." He says standing. 


"Ohhhh how 'bout this!?" Calum says. I groan. 

"Whaat do you want now." I say looking over. I see Calum holding two boxes of cereal. One of Captin Crunch and the other Recese Puffs. "Sure." I tell him. "Get whatever you want." I say with a smile. 

"Yaaaass!!!" He says running off to the snack isles. This would've been easier with Ashton.

A few minutes later we are at the check out with almost two cart fulls of food and movies. "Alright your total is $357." She says handing me the recite. "Have a nice day." She gives Calum a wink. He blushes and we grab our bags to bring to the car.

Once the trunk, and the back seats are full we head out. We spend a couple minutes driving in silence when suddenly Calum speaks up.

"Do you like Ashton?" He asks. I choke on my spit.

"W-what? Why? What.... uhm..." I studder. 

"Do. You. Like. ASHTON." He says again slowly.

"Uhm....." I say blushing. 

"OH MY GOSH YOU DO!!!!" He screams.

"Shut up Chang Wong." I tell him with a glare. He glares back but then starts laughing.

"You're nice." He states as we pull into the driveway. Immeditily Ashton runs out to help, Luke and Michael following. 

"Alright we have a lot of unpacking and putting the grocerys away to do. So lets get started!" I say grabbing bags, and heading in.

Yaaaasssss;-) I loveee this! 

What do you guys think so far?

I'm sensing some Lashton HAHA OMG :-) MY LIFE. LASHTON!!! :D

I love you guys! Stay beautiful ;-) 

As always Ilsa:)

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