Taggss (that I created bc I wanna pretend I've been tagged) :P

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7/1/22-P.s Happy late new year bc i forgot to say in the last part of this!

I wrote this before but forgot to publish....here it is, ages later !!

Here is the pic again: And yes I just googled questions to pretend I've got tagged bc im bored :P ( I realised questions where missing when I started answering them lmao)

Here is the pic again: And yes I just googled questions to pretend I've got tagged bc im bored :P ( I realised questions where missing when I started answering them lmao)

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I'm sorry if I tag you lol, I tag at random, u dont have to read this if u like and u dont have to do it either :-)

1) full name isssss uhhhhh

your dad

2) Nolan-

I'm actually kidding 😂 I just like this character from the webtoon 'I love yoo' okay

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I'm actually kidding 😂 I just like this character from the webtoon 'I love yoo' okay

3) I'm addicted to dru--
Bruh jk xD
My addiction is umm sweets/ice cream/ fLooFy, fat pretzels and things to pass time and cure my boredom

4)......I am definitely 6 foot 😅😅😅😅 Lets pretend I am!!
Idk how height works in other countries but I'm.....basically 5'3 (ehhh close enough) I think I've said this before tho lol. I ain't that tall okay, but I'll hopefully grow soon...

5) Single yet taken by ice cream even though it's cold 😀

6) Well theres a lot irl but if u mean this app then ErumArshad_12 (ik her irl too) and Crackercruncher123 bc I've known her for a long time too!! I actually am close to a lot of girlies on this app so include every one I follow and who even follow me bc y not xD

7) Well for dudes i trust on this app...if you're reading this then you're probs one of them lol. Some that I've known for most of my time on this app is MostlyFamous475 and K3tsueki_Akuma and joshi_maceo...but again,there's too many pple to tag and I don't wanna annoy every one peacefully offline 😂

8) ?? for some reason number 8 is non existent so let's pretend it says 'dO yOu LikE OnlInE LeaRnInG?'....And no i do not. I like falling asleep and ignoring the lesson but I do not actually learn. 😃☝️...😐✊

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