0.2 || engagement

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alethea madeira.
The majority of the party is, as expected, uneventful and, if I may say so myself, a total bore. I'm forced to stand around and engage in pointless small talk with countless friends of my parents before I'm even allowed to go see the groom and bride-to-be.

Daisy Parkinson and Silas Prewett. I'm not too familiar with either of them, though I've always known Daisy to be quiet, polite, and sweet - quite the opposite of her younger sister, Pansy. I know of Silas, but that's only because I'm rather close with his distant cousins, the Weasleys. A "pretentious little prat," Fred and George had called him. Their Mother was once a Prewett.

Pansy Parkinson is quite possibly one of the loudest, most self-spoken people I've ever met. She's bold and unafraid to speak her mind. I admire Pansy, I must admit. I do wish we were closer. It seems we just don't cross paths that often.

However, Pansy is nowhere in sight for the majority of the party. A pity, really. I was hoping to see her and talk to her for a bit. I often find that whenever I engage in conversation with the Parkinson girl, I end up learning something new about her. I also always end up laughing. That girl has absolutely no filter whatsoever.

"Malfoy!" I exclaim once I finally meet up with one of my friends. "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so happy to see you."

"Gee thanks," Draco retorts. "Pleasure to see you too, Lee. Any idea where the others are?" I frown.

"Haven't the faintest," I admit. "I thought you would know."

"Nah. I did see Nyx sneaking off earlier, though. Not a clue what that was about." I fiddle with my necklace, not sure what else to say in order to add to the conversation. At this point, I'm just desperate to look busy so I don't have to engage with any more old people.

"Let's take a walk, yeah?" I suggest, eyes wide and filled with hope that Malfoy would get the gist. He doesn't really seem to get it.

"Why-" I cut him off by grabbing his wrist and dragging him off. "Hey! What was that for?" We stop right outside the Grand Hall.

"You do not know how desperate I am to get away from all those old people, Draco," I pant.

"Now, that's no way to speak about your elders-"

"Oh spare me the act, will you?" I protest. "You looked just as miserable as me, fool. I'm doing you a favour. Besides, they can't hear us out here."

"They're not even that old," Draco whines.

"The hell they aren't. Please just walk with me."

"What if our parents get-"

"Shut up and walk with me."

And so we do.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

We walk down countless hallways, some so old-looking and dusty that it appears they haven't been touched in years. The Parkinsons have always been unhealthily wealthy - even more so than the Malfoys, and Zabinis (even though everyone knows Ms. Zabini only marries for money), even my family, the Madeiras. Their oversized mansion is all the more proof to this fact.

We stop to take a break and figure out just where it is in the Parkinson Manor that we are, but we aren't given much time until we hear someone approaching our way. More than one person, it seems. Draco gives me a look, and I'm not given much time to think before I hear footsteps turning the corner into the hall. Shit.

I let my instincts take over as I remove my shoes and lift the front of my dress up a few inches. Run, I mouth to my friend.

And so we do.

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