0.3 || the train

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alethea madeira.
"Anything from the trolley, dears?" I jolt awake, my peaceful nap disturbed by the polite, (and adorable, if I may add) trolley lady on the Hogwarts' Express.

It's been three weeks since Daisy Parkinson and Silas Prewett's engagement party. These past three weeks have been filled with the usual: dueling with my brother, and then realising I'm much too strong for him and moving on to dueling with my aunt, copious amounts of Alihotsy and firewhisky, and faffing about with my friends. I must say, though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't over that and ready to go back to school.

Since that close call in one of the many hallways at the Parkinson Manor, all I've really wanted was to get away and get back to school - to focus my mind on something else other than the fact that the Dark Lord's inevitable return is getting nearer and nearer as the days go on, and as such, my friends and I shall be marked soon; I reckon this summer. My thoughts have also been plagued by whoever that fourth man was, and why he sounded so familiar. I could have sworn I knew him, but I just couldn't, for the life of me, pinpoint from where.

"I'm all set, thanks," I reply sweetly, a genuine smile on my face. Seeing that nice old lady with the trolley always makes me smile, though I'm not too sure why.

"I'll have four chocolate frogs," Blaise says.

"Same here," Lorenzo adds with a grin.

Draco and Onyx declare that they're all set, and then once the trolley lady leaves, Onyx excuses herself to go use the restroom. I doubt she was actually using the restroom, though - she's gone for at least half an hour.

"What's up with her?" Blaise inquires, shoving an entire chocolate frog in his mouth.

"Eat like a normal human, will you?" I laugh.

Suddenly, Onyx storms into the compartment and throws herself on the bench, almost taking Blaise out in the process.

"Eat like a goddamned person, Zabini," she scoffs.

"The hell's wrong with you?" Blaise retorts, his mouth still stuffed.

I shoot him a glare, silently telling him to shut the hell up. Sometimes something crawls up Onyx's arse and she just needs a minute. This isn't the first time this has happened.

Half an hour passes, those thirty minutes filled with Blaise eating like a starved child and Enzo fighting with Draco over who is going to lose his virginity first.

My bet is on Enzo.

He's changed over the summer. He's grown taller, more muscular, and if I do say so myself, more attractive as well. He carries himself differently now—he's more confident. I like it.

But then again, Draco's got the looks as well. He, too, has grown taller and more confident. He lacks the muscularity, sure, but he makes up for it with his sheer height.

I should not be thinking about my best friends like this.

I flick myself in the thigh rather abruptly, so as to remind myself that these are my best friends—no, scratch that—my family, that I am looking at like this. For Christ's sake, this is ridiculous! I have three more years until my engagement and I plan on spending none of those years participating in any of those activities.


If Enzo asked...

Nope. Another flick to the thigh for me.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

My eyes open slowly as we reach our destination. For some reason, this train ride has seemed much longer than the rest.

Maybe it's the dread of what's to come.

I must not say the events which I am certain will happen. Because if I do, that will make it real. And they cannot be real—not yet. I am not ready to lose my childhood, my innocence, my purity, just yet. I still have time.

Ah, but as much as I may be able to convince myself of this, it has already started. My part has not come up yet, it will not come up for at least another nine months. Haha. A child could be conceived and then born in the amount of time I have to wait until my prophecy is fulfilled.

"Ally," Enzo nudged, stroking my hair. I seem to have fallen asleep with my head rested on his shoulder. "Alethea, we're here." His voice was none more than a whisper, a softly spoken tune that was music to my half-asleep ears. He wrapped his arm around me, gently encouraging me to get up.

I've always been a pain to wake up.

"There we go," he praises.

I shoot him a glare.

I hate waking up.

"You know what's waiting for you inside, right?" he asks with a devious grin. I shudder. Oh, wait.

I realise what he's talking about and suddenly perk up as if my mind didn't go to an insanely dark place just seconds prior.

"There it is."

Food. He's talking about food.

I am even more food-motivated than the infamous Blaise Zabini, but the difference between the two of us is I eat like a civilised human being.

He eats like a starved werewolf under a full moon. Truly barbaric if you ask me.

And so we head inside, myself trudging along behind Lorenzo while he constantly badgers me to pick up the pace.

I do not "pick up the pace." In fact, I slow down even more just to spite him.

"You'd think that a powerful-ass witch would be able to walk faster," he mutters to himself, backing up a little bit to grab me by the collar and yank me forward, almost making me lose my balance.

"Hey!" I yelp, pretending to be hurt.

"Shut it," he snaps, his voice laced with sadistic humour.

And so we walk.

972 words.

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