Queen Chrysalis' Lament

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Queen Blaze and Queen Chrysalis were hiding in Queen Blaze's castle in Everfree forest.

Queen Blaze: Well Chrysalis, we make a good duo don't we?

Queen Chrysalis: Yes. I've discovered that Fluttershy and Discord are dating and re-named their group the mane 7.

Queen Blaze: Discord must've been reformed I presume.

Queen Chrysalis trotted to a throne next to Queen Blaze's throne and sat down.

After a small while, Queen Blaze was surrounded by mist and black fog before transforming into Bonnie Blue.

Bonnie stroked her ginger mane which was tied into a plait with a dark blue ribbon.

Queen Chrysalis: Queen Blaze, I didn't know you used to look like that before you became evil.

Bonnie: Nonsense my dear assistant, I've got better plans than the likes of Celestia. My minions are wearing dark armours and are now running amok all over Equestria!

Bonnie started her dark magic and zapped the night sky, making it light again and making it rain black minions.

Bonnie: Mwahahaha!!

Queen Chrysalis cackled along and was also zapping the sky and making her minions run amok.

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