Bonnie Blue's Revenge

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Bonnie Blue trotted towards Chrysalis and hugged her.

Bonnie: Thankyou Chrysalis, you've helped me to get revenge on those who wronged me for murder when I was not bad.

Queen Chrysalis: Don't worry, we're sisters, even though you're not a changeling.

Bonnie gave Chrysalis an evil smirk, trotted to her crystal ball, use a HUGE amount of her magic and let out a high pitched evil laugh which was bone-chilling.


She then turned into Bonnemena and this time, her hair was straight and curly.

Queen Chrysalis: Why don't you become Queen Blaze again.

Bonnamena nodded before spinning like a tornado and once again became Queen Blaze.

Both Queen Blaze (Bonnie Blue) and Queen Chrysalis cackled and flew towards Ponyville.

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