Can it get better ?

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Well even though school was horrible and I had fun.
Well Aarti was fun.
How did I realize it? Well here it goes.
Our 7th period was pt. everyone jumped well obviously it was the favorite time of the school.
"So let's go and play!"
Well she was too enthusiastic for a new kid. Actually she was too enthusiastic for anything, it's like someone just stuffed her up with energy.
Well you know how my class is? Well all boys like to play football and girls? Well they gossip...

I don't get what they even gossip about. It's really annoying, both football and gossip. It's not like I don't like football. it's just that I'm tired of playing it, I'm tired of my brother defeating me, I'm tired of this school. I just want to get away.
"Want to play basketball?" Aarti asked.
"We are only 2 people!" I said
"Who cares! Let's just play it freestyle! You can play the game right?"
"Ya... of course."
As we were on the court she grabbed a ball and gave it to me.
"Just one min" she said as she tied her hair in a bun. Well there was something different about this girl completed to other girls in my class. Obviously apart from being incredibly beautiful, she also liked basketball. I smiled

"What?" she asks me


"You know you are one weird creature right?"

"I know... You are the one who decided to play with me."

"Well you can say I get along well with weird people." She had a smirk on her face.

"Okay Miss do you want to play the game or want to talk?"

Well wrong choice of words. She obviously knew this game better than me. I couldn't help but laugh after 5 minutes when she had like 12 basket and I was still stuck on. "Shit. Either I suck really bad or you play really well." I say panting

"Both. I was captain of basketball team in my previous school."

"Great. So I'm competing with a champion." I say laughing.

"Well you are tall and you have good stamina. You can easily play this game."

"Well Ya. But I'm tired of listening THAT. I play football but I hate when people just assume that I love sports because I LOOK athletic."

"Whoa Mr.-I-Hate-stereotypes. People die to look athletic! And here you are complaining?"

"Well I'm not complaining. I just want to focus on the game" I say while I snatch the ball from her.

"Hey not fair!" she protests.

"Life isn't fair Darling, and this is just a freestyle basketball game." I tease her

"Oh really! Now see how unfair I can get." She says while she tries to tackle me.


After 30 minutes we are panting. Well this game was fun. Actually I loved it, even though I didn't win. It wasn't like playing with my brother; I didn't feel embarrassed losing to her.

"That was a great match." She said.

"Well the score was 32-28. That was definitely good."

"So what do like that you don't want to tell everyone?"


"You said you don't like people judging you for being athletic, so I guessed that you must like something that you don't want to tell."

"Oh..! There is nothing like that. I just..."

"Hey! My dad's a lawyer I can easily tell when someone lies."

"Oh so my friend is human lie detector? Wow happy to know" I say as I playfully offer my hand to her. She slaps it and asks again "Dhruv..!" I know I can't win any argument with this girl.

"I like painting. More like comics and stuff."

"That is amazing. Why are you ashamed of it? That is a good thing"

"I'm not ashamed of it!" I say. When I say that she raises her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and give in. I say "My parents never liked them. Actually they are really silly."

"Bullshit... I want to see them! I can come to your home?" she asked.

Was she inviting herself to my home? Well the first thing that came to my mind was would my mom be fine with it? Why not? Shiv always brings Preety home so it shouldn't make any difference well the thing I was worried about is I never had too many friends and I never brought anyone home. I hope my mom doesn't creep out

Aarti swings her hands in front of face. "Hello? What were you thinking?"

"Uh... nothing. Sure you can come to my home next Saturday." I say

"That would be great. And you should stop dreaming in broad daylight."

"Yeah... ill try my best."

I was actually enjoying being with Aarti.

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