Part one

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This is from the TV show CSI I don't own this idea.

Lillian's POV
I sat down in my father's class. My father was talking about killers. My father said I want to go over the ground Rules here orderly conduct is to be maintained at all times don't reveal any personal information no names and the warden has requested that ladies please refrain from wearing any revealing clothing. Last semester some of you came to me and said you wanted to know what face of evil looks like well here it is. The screen turned on and showed Nate Haskell. Haskell said hello class everybody ready to learn. My father said what can you tell us about you father. Haskell said besides the fact that he was a mean basterd who beat me at every occasion nothing. Father said what about you mother. Haskell said is that the women who live with us I always wondered. Father said Mr Haskell. Haskell sai I killed my first small animal when I was nine it was a cat it's usually a cat. My father sai Mr Haskell. Haskell sai no one knows why that is I mean I know it's a terrible thing. Fathe sai if your going to waste our time on playing games and phony remorse I'll pull the plug right now. Haskell said ok honesty it is then I didn't like your book it's to technical to depressing. Father said then let's talk about something you enjoyed your first kill. Haskell sai oh you neve forget your first time but I think that's discussions a little to intimate for this stage of our relationship maybe when we know each other a little better. Fathe said that's why we're here class question and answer. A boy raised his hand. He said serial killers usually hav some sort of selection process what was yours how di you choose your victims. Haskell said did you ever buy a car you go down to the showroom your pretty surr your going to get one but why the re one why not the blue one nobody knows but just one of them speaks to you that's the one you gotta have. I raised my hand my father nodded his head. I said how much premeditation was involved did you fantasize about what you were going to do? Haskell sai of course I did all the time. Haskell said your a beautiful girl tell me what's your name. I said I'm not giving out that information. Haskell said fine. A guy asked did you ever share any of your experiences with anyone like a buddy? Haskell said I didn't have any buddies. Th man said you had to have some friends you seem like you could be friendly. Haskell said these days I mostly have fans I get at least two or three marriage proposals every month but they don't allow conjugal visits so why carry the baggage when you can't have any fun your not a student what do you teach? The guy said Sociology. Father said tell us your definition of fun. Haskell said fun is taking something away from somebody like a nice Jewish girl for example taking her off on a little vacation just three days and three nights of heaven on earth and then just heaven. A boy asked you never revealed the location of any of your female victims why? Haskell said because nobody eve asked me that question ever before I always thought it was strange. Father said then tell us now why not your serving to life sentences you hav nothing to loose. Haskell said of course I do professor cause when I took those women they stopped being somebody's girlfriend or sister or daughter or fiance they became what I wanted them to be there mine. I said did any of them resist. He shook his head. The guy said no one tried to escape or fight back? Haskell sai Tiffany and Cynthia fought a little at first. A boy asked how did you control them? Haskell said not with force I'm going to return to the Jewish theme here doctor although I what you to know that I hav also killed Catholics and Protestants and one atheist by the way they all prayed eventually. Anyway during the Holocaust when the first arrivals at the death camps realized they were going to be killed they flew into a panic so th guard th Nazis started telling them that they were going to be put to work that there skills were going to be used and they all calmed down and they all marched obediently into the showers. You have to give them hope if you bring a human being to the brink of death and then you offer a chance no matter how small a chance to survive they'll grab it then they'll thank you for it and then you can do whatever you want and believe me I did. The warden called and that was it for the day.

I got home with my dad. I said that was intense. My father said I want to know why he wanted your name. I said who knows he's in jail it doesn't matter. My father nodded his head. He said oh and Lillian one more thing I'm adopting you legally. I said you are? He said if it's ok with you. I said absolutely Lillian Langston has a nice ring to it. Father said yeah it does. I hugge him and said thank you for everything father. He hugged me back.

Remember this is CSI I don't own the idea or concept the whole script belongs to CSI.

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