Part six

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Time skip to the trial

Lillian's POV
We were now sitting in court. Nate was talking. He said your honor I've spent the last three days in this courtroom trying to control myself which has not been easy I assure you. The media has tried to portray me as some sort of monster some seven headed beast who sprang from a smoking pit to spread death across the land. But here I sit caged before you a man like any other man with only one head with two hands and with a troubled heart. One guy said objection is there a point here your honor. The judge said Mr Haskell I advise you to let your attorney do the talking. Nate said but I object to that your honor. The jury needs to see the real Nate Haskell. The vulnerable little boy who was sadistically abused by an alcoholic father. For the record that traumatized child still trembles in me. I know there are some in this courtroom who can relate to my torment. Unfortunately your honor my attorney is not one of them. You know he doesn't even like me. A man said your honor. Nate said the court has appointed him but I would like to un appoint him. He glared at the attorney. The attorney looked away. Nate said see how he shies away from me. How can i trust him? The only one who can speak for Nate Haskell is Nate Haskell. The judge said Mr Haskell are you asking to represent yourself? Nate sai I believe the legal term I pro per your honor. The judge said for the record I think you're making a mistake but so ordered. Let the record show that Mr Haskell is now proceeding pro per but I warn you Mr Haskell there will be no delays in this trial. Nate said oh excellent your honor excellent I say let's get it on hm? He smirked at me and my father. I sent a glare his way.

My father was up at the stand. Nate said well Ray shall we go back to the moment I stabbed you. Will you describe for the court and me how it felt when I plunged my shank into your kidney? The man said objection your honor irrelevant defense is indulging in gratuitous sadism. Nate said question goes to state of mind your honor which is key to my defense. The judge said overruled I'll allow it for now. Nate said well Ray how did it feel? Father said painful. Nate said can you be more specific? More poetic? You're a published writer Ray. Describe the sensation when my shank first pierced your skin. Father said sharp white hot then after that. Nate said after that what di you feel? Father said lightheaded very lightheaded. Nate said oh and and and as you laid down then and your life was draining away you gazed into my eyes. What did you feel then Ray? Father said disbelief. Nate said that's a thought give me a feeling. Father said fear. Nate said what? Father said fear. Nate said you felt what? Father said I was afraid I was going to die. Nate said yes a perfectly normal human reaction to a horrific experience. The guy screamed objection. The judge said sustained the defendant will confine himself t questioning the witness. Nate said boring but fine. Ray when I look at you when I see the anguish I caused you I feel nothing. The guy said Objection defense is testifying. Nate said don't you think I want to feel something Ray? The emotions that a normal human being feels? Look at that steady calm emotionaless that's just not right. The man said your honor this is outrageous. The judge said sustained strike the defendants last Statment the jury is instructed to disregard it. Nate said no further questions your honor.

Now a doctor was up talking. Nate said doctor Cory two weeks ago you brought a mobile MRI machine to Ely State Prison to conduct a test on me. Dr Cory said yes I scanned your brain while you were shown a series of crime photographs. Nate said describe these photographs. Dr Cory said they were graphic mutilated and dismembered bodies. Nate said what happens doctor to the average persons brain when there shown such images? Dr Cory showed us a picture. He said this is the orbital cortex. It governs moral decision making aggression impulse control. Nate said its lit up like a Christmas tree it's so beautiful doctor. Dr Cory said well it's because it's being stimulated clearly the subject was deeply disturbed by the images. Nate said how does this compare to my orbital cortex? Dr Cory said well as you can see yours is pitch black there is no activity. Your orbital cortex is profoundly impaired. Nate said doctor do you know what causes this this defect? Dr Cory said you possess a genetic mutation the monoamine oxidase a or MAO-A gene otherwise known as the warrior gene. Nate said doctor what is the significance of this warrior gene for someone like me? Dr Cory said well according to studies if you suffered severe childhood abuse and possessed this gene it increases your chances of committing a violent crime by four hundred percent. Nate said doctor you complete me or at least you complete my understanding of me. The man said objection. Nate said I know counsel is testifying sustained sustained. The judge said Mr Haskell I've given you a lot of leeway because your pro per but if you try to do my job again I will hold you in contempt. Nate said mea culpa your honor. Nate said so doctor Cory it is in your expert opinion that I can not be held responsible for my actions. Dr Cory said that is correct. Nate said so it is true what they say that I am a monster but a monster made of biology beyond my control so convicting me of attempted murder would be like convicting a blind man for not being able to see. Who's the real victim here. The judge said Mr Haskell. Nate started fake sobbing who's the real victim?

We met the bride's of Haskell and his sister. They were weird. We got back to th courtroom.

Father was back on the stand. The lawyer said so as a medical doctor what is your opinion about doctor Cory's theory that individuals with the MAO-A gene are predisposed to violence? Father said It is my opinion that it is utter nonsense. Sure there have been several studies that claim theres a link between the MAO-A gene and violent behavior but there are just a many studies that dispute those findings. Dr Cory's conclusions are not neuroscience they are neuromythology. Could you give us a example? Father said alcoholics are genetically predisposed to alcoholism which is a known disease but we don't give drunks a pass if they decide to get behind the wheel of a vehicle and kill people the law is interested in weather or not a person understands the difference between right and wrong. The defendant knows the difference between right and wrong he takes pleasure in committing sadistic crimes that he knows are against the law. The fact that he has tried to cover up those crimes is evidence of his consciousness of guilt. No further questions your honor. Nate said I have nothing but questions. Dr Langston are you a psychiatrist? Father said no. Nate said a neurologist. Father said no. Nate said a geneticist. Father said no my field is research pathology. Nate said then you have no expertise in this area at all correct? Father said no. Nate said no you mean yes you just testified to a complete lack of credentials. So on what would you base any expertise? Father said personal experience. Like you I was abused by a alcoholic father as a child and like you I have the MAO-A gene. DNA isn't destiny. We're all responsible for our own actions. I share the same gene with you Nate but I've never murdered anyone. I take satisfaction in bringing justice to victims not killing them and torturing them. Which is the only real way that you can feel any connection to another human being. Nate said don't you think that was a little below the belt Ray?

The jury found him guilty. I smirked at Nate. He glared back at me. I walked out with my father.

Father said you go to the car I want to talk to Nate. I said ok dad. I walked out to the car when I was hit in the back of the head and was out cold.

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