The Case of Calhoun Johnson

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Location: House party at the intersection of Philips and Jane st, Dinaville


Calhoun Johnson

Date of Birth: May 3, 2017

Sex: M

Occupation: Student

Marital Status: N/A

Cause of death: Bled to death from machete

Time of death: 6:02 PM, PT


Robert "Bo" Johnson

Date of Birth: June 19, 1976

Sex: M

Occupation: Bill's Guns and Funs

Marital Status: Divorced to Pameron Tucker

Connection to Victim: Father

Possible Motive: Got into an argument with Pameron Jessica Tucker, the child's mother and his exact words, "You will pay for this one day"


Detective: Hello Bo Johnson.

Bo: Hello, detective, how may I help you?

Detective: Your son was killed.

Bo: Oh my gosh (fake cries)

Detective: You don't seem sad, Robert

Bo: I love my son! I love my wife! I would never hurt them!

Detective: How did you know we were here to ask if you hurt him?

Bo: Uhh..

Detective: Why would you mention your wife?

Bo: Uhh. I said "I would never hurt my waffle!"

Detective: No. You didn't. Also, Poppy said that you bribed her to kill Calhoun

Bo: I have no comment. I would never.

Detective: Tell me a little about your fight, Bo

Bo: Pam accused me of cheating on her with a girl named feather! This isn't true!

Detective: Tell me about what you meant when you said, "you will pay for this some day"

Bo: I didn't really mean it! I would never hurt Cal. But, I do know somebody who might have done the murder.

Detective: Who, Bo Johnson?

Bo: Poppy Marshall. She is satanic and crazy.

Detective: We will interview her next. Stay right here, Robert.

Bo starts having a  mild panic attack

Detective: Everything alright, Bo?

Bo: Okay, I wanted to show Cal a view of the city, but I was in the bathroom, so I made Poppy do it.

Detective: What city? You guys are in the hills!

Bo: Don't you disrespect me!

Detective: No, Bo. Don't you disrespect me!

Poppy Marshall

Date of Birth:May 8, 2019


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