three | exhale

183 13 3

exhale - sabrina carpenter 

can i exhale for a minute?

can we talk it out? i don't get it

can i calm down for a moment?

can i breathe for just one second?

welcome to the first update of the year!! this took forever!! sorry for the wait!! 2021 man, glad to see it go. 

i apologise in for the angst advanced, i wrote a lot of this just after watching seabound and i took out all of my emotions on lloyd (don't we all?). 

anyway! hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

Lloyd sat in front of the small TV screen, arms resting on his knees that were pulled up toward his body. The blond undid the cloth that wrapped his fists under his gloves, turning his hand over to see the array of coloured bruises–in various stages of healing–decorating his knuckles. He had just finished another round of training with Nya and was exhausted. Put simply, he missed his powers. More importantly, he missed his brothers. Lloyd sighed.

Suddenly the television crackled to life, static filling the screen before distorted, circus-like music began to play as the unmistakable voice of Ultra Violet echoed out of the speaker on the side of the little box in front of him.

"Welcome back to Ultra-Hunt!"

The static faded to reveal the symbol of the Sons of Garmadon, something Lloyd had become far too familiar with over the last few months. He wished he could look away, turn the screen off, something. He did none of those things. Instead, he watched.

The shaky camera work tilted enough so that Ultra Violet was now on screen. She wore a wide grin so cruel it seemed to have been carved into her white-painted face with a sharp dagger. "The place where hunting traitors couldn't be more fun!" She cackled, and the way the poor audio reverberated in the even worse-quality speaker seemed to magnify her harrowing joy from the situation. It disgusted Lloyd, still, he watched.

"The game show where you, the viewer, can win cash and rewards... or even the Grand Prize!" The screen cut to a different camera, one–equally as shaky–depicting a face Lloyd recognised but hadn't seen in sometime; Ronin. He held his head down low and forced the red hat on his head even lower, attempting not to be seen. Not that it was any good, something he clearly knew well. Eventually he gave up peeking around the corner to lunge at whoever was behind the camera. Grunts could be heard as the person fell and sounds of another sharp kick to the ribs left the camera-person on the ground, camera rolling beside them. Another camera picked up the footage, showing Ronin jumping over the now fallen individual to run into the nearest alley-way. Multiple Sons of Garmadon followed him, this time on motorcycles. He wasn't going to escape. "That is, if you help us catch the Green Ninja."

all i never wanted was everything | lloyd garmadonWhere stories live. Discover now