Death calls

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Nora smiled as Ana spoke to her from the chair which she sat on "You know I've always wanted a baby brother" she said, Nora nodded smiling softly thinking that Ana could help her with her baby

"I think you make an excellent example, dear" she said Ana smiled back happy to have someone to talk to "Strong independent woman" they both nodded

"Ana come down here" Ben's voice called Ana rolled her eyes politely excusing herself

Just as the door closed Hayden appeared "you know all of these 'mother daughter' crap is gonna go out the window soon" she said with a roll of her eyes

"No dear, Ana will be glad that her brother will be with a good mother" Nora assured with a smile before ana rushed back in.

"Oh hi Hayden" she said "listen I'm really sorry I have to go out but can we talk later" she asked Nora nodded before Ana dissapered again

"Wow" Hayden muttered walking to spy on Vivian


"Hey Nora" Tate said with a smile walking into Ana's bedroom "where's Ana?" He questioned
"She went out" Nora answered looking out the window
"That was a while ago"Tate muttered worriedly running a hand through his curls
"She will be fine dear" Nora said absentmindedly
A scream sounded from downstairs and Tate rushed down to see Vivian on the couch crying "mom what's wrong?" Violet asked rushing in
"They were in a car crash" Vivian said sobbing, Tate rushed out of the room and into the basement feeling his heart shattering into pieces


The two Harmon's had left to go to the hospital to see Ben and Ana leaving the ghoasts to worry, Nora had wailed incoherently about technology while Tate cryed on the floor
"Tate I know your here" Constance called up the stairs "I have news "
Tate walked down sniffling and avoiding the hug she went to give him "What is it?" He asked
"He father crashed on purpose" she said smiling "the house made him do it is all he said" she said running her hand along the dresser admiring the house "dear Ana's in a state" she said solemnly
Tate looked up slowly "She's going to be ok" he muttered
"No dear she's as good as dead" Constance said brushing him off before walking out


A small candle burned in the corner of the room providing the only source of illumination to the sniffing teen who sat on her sisters bed, Ana had passed two hours after the crash
Ben had survived but not for long

The Princess of DarknessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon