Part Two : Chapter Two

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Michael Myers spent all night creeping on the quiet streets of Haddonfield. They were booming with laughing children, but they had all retired for the night after their candy hall. However, something else kept them indoors—they had just been warned that a man escaped Smith's Grove and was extremely dangerous to the public. Michael had claimed many victims before the warning went off and this still wouldn't stop him from breaking into their houses to murder more people. The bones that dangled from his shoulders shifted every time he walked yet they made no noise, as if becoming part of his quiet nature.

...Halloween Night... 11:00 p.m.

Tommy sat at the bar with Lindsey and turned when he saw his other friends enter the building to join him. It was Lonnie Elam accompanied by Marion Chambers. Tommy nodded and waved as they made their way to him.

"You missed his speech." Lindsey chuckled, "It was good."

"Yeah sorry about that, we tried to come here early—are you gonna go again?" Lonnie asked.

"Not in a million years," Tommy took a sip of his beer, "crowd's bored already anyway."

Tommy had enough reminiscing about the past—he did it on a daily basis, but talking about it vocally was enough to drain him for a few days. Even though the whole neighborhood was alerted to be on lockdown, it hadn't managed to reach the residents in the bar just yet. To them it was another simple evening. The small group of friends sat together, each holding their own story of how they survived The Boogeyman. Marion was attacked by the man when he originally escaped, he'd grabbed her and tried to rip her hair out. Lonnie was almost killed by the eerie figure but had managed to run off—he always assumed The Boogeyman caught wind of the Doyle house and dropped his young target to go to the killing ground. Nobody caught a good glimpse of him, only Tommy, but even he couldn't see real well. He was only able to see a few glimpses thanks to the aid of lightning on that stormy night. Each person sitting on the stools to the bar dealt with their encounter differently. Tommy chose to get stronger, though most of it was through a deep fear of encountering the man with the bones again and not being able to defend himself. Chambers left the psychiatric ward and went to treat the elderly in a nursing home. Lonnie was able to have a family but was still corrupted by his encounter, but he did his best to keep it away from his son, Cameron. Lindsey lead the most successful life out of them all. While still traumatized by that night, she still chose to try and live a normal adulthood, made friends and opened up to others about what happened to make it easier for her to manage.

"Do you hear that?" Lonnie looked up from his drink.

Everyone fell silent as they heard the sounds of rushed and frantic sirens beat down the street. While there were many active police officers and firemen, there was never usually a cause for this many sirens to sound off—something was wrong.

"Tommy, look." Lindsey alerted her friend to the television that was mounted on the old wooden wall.

Tommy studied the television—the news was on, the story they were covering made breaking news. His heart sank and his blood ran cold when he heard the reporter talk about the multiple murders that occurred during the evening.

"What the hell?" Lonnie muttered.

"I'm gonna call Laurie—make sure she's okay." Tommy said with a sturdy voice.

While Tommy was trying to reach his old babysitter, Marion held Lindsey close.

"That can't be him, can it?" She looked up at the older woman.

Marion was speechless—how did he manage to escape again?

"It has to be, look." Lonnie pointed at the screen.

The reporter was standing in front of a house, describing the brutal murders.

"Police say this man is extremely dangerous, we are ordered to stay inside and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities. Please lock your doors." The reporter said.

She held a microphone to a police officer who appeared to be preoccupied with his job. He saw the microphone and gave a hasty reply before going back into his vehicle.

"This man is violent but my team and I will take him down." He wasn't sure what else to say—he himself wasn't confident, he'd seen the dead bodies, or what remained of them. He drove off with speed to catch up with his squad.

"Guys, Laurie's not picking up." Tommy joined his group, concern flooding his voice.

He gave one last glance at the television, the walls of the bar seemed to close in on him, his chest grew tight and his head began to spin, he could feel himself start to breathe heavy and fast yet couldn't feel any air enter his body. He was trying to come to terms that The Boogeyman had indeed returned, but this time he was going to fight back—or at least try to.

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