Part Two : Chapter Four

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  "Laurie!" Tommy shouted—he'd entered the hospital and tore through the staff in the emergency room to regroup with the woman that saved him all those years ago. The woman lying in her bed cracked open her eyes. She heard her name, a familiar voice had called it.

"Laurie!'" Tommy stormed into the room and wrapped his heavy arms around her bed rails, "He's back, I see he got you but I'm going to put a stop to this."

Laurie looked around, panic rising in her eyes, "I killed him, Tommy."

"No, reporters just found the remnants of first responders—I think they were at your house. The whole place was up in smoke. What happened there?"

Laurie sat upright, trying to get out of bed.

"No, stay here—you saved me all those nights ago, now it's my turn to keep you safe, please stay here. The town's outside, we're going to kill him once and for all."

Laurie succumbed to her wounds and lied back in her bed, "Go get him, Tommy."

Tommy retreated out of the room, almost slipping on the glossy floor, and ran back down to regroup with his friends. It almost sounded like a war in the main office. People were screaming to be attended, others shouting at police officers, the rest shouting just for the sake of it.

"Doyle!" A man with a rough voice shouted.

"Sheriff Barker," Tommy turned to look at the man.

Barker was the no-nonsense sheriff of Haddonfield, dressed in all black and wearing a cowboy hat, it wasn't hard to miss him in the crowd.

"Calm this crowd down, now. My department will handle this, you're causing a scene." Barker ordered.

Something went off inside Tommy, one thing he held a grudge against was the police department who let the likes of Michael Myers live. He held them responsible for tonight.

"No, Sheriff, Haddonfield is meant to be a safe town—we put our trust in your department but we've watched you absolutely fail tonight!" He roared.

The crowed grew silent—no one had shouted at the sheriff before.

"Everyone, I need you here now, The Boogeyman—Michael Myers has to die. After tonight, he will not live another day, we need to kill him him!"

Barker began to charge at Tommy, but the crowd began shuffling around the office, both shoving and trampling each other, trying to leave to find this bloody legend. Tommy disappeared with the crowd, leaving Barker and his other officers alone in the hospital. Laurie's daughter, Karen, caught up to Tommy, as well as Allyson, Laurie's granddaughter. They were both there to protect Laurie, as well as avenge Karen's husband Ray, who fell victim to Michael earlier in the night.

The Shape slipped into his old home—the back door was unlocked, an easy entrance with little hassle. The people living in the house were at the front door, looking out of their window, expecting to see something pass by. As The Shape was stalking in the kitchen, he grabbed a rather big knife and headed upstairs. His boots pressed against the creaking wood floor, giving away his position. He didn't care and kept walking up the stairs. He could hear the two men explore their house—they heard a stranger walking around. They were cautious in their search to not run into the intruder. The Shape kept to the shadows, waiting for one of them to come upstairs. He began to listen to one of their footsteps getting louder—they were headed in his direction. He didn't see The Shape standing in the corner of the hallway as he was focused on the doorway to the study room. He entered the room, leaving his back exposed to the creature in the hall. The shadowy figured left the corner, wrapped his hand around his victim's throat so he couldn't scream, and shoved the blade into his back. He turned the man around and pushed his thumbs into his eyes, squeezing them out of their sockets. The Shape looked behind his fresh victim, he realized he was in Judith's room. He walked to the middle of the room, as if reliving the events from 1963. He heard a cry from behind him, the other man caught up to him and had just found the body Michael disposed of.

"Michael...?" He croaked, realizing who was in his house.

Michael Myers turned around, putting his blood soaked body on display. He lunged at the skinny man before him—he had grey hair, a tall body and a pirate outfit. Michael grabbed his throat and applied great amounts of pressure, crushing his neck beneath his powerful palms. He fell to the ground beside his partner, leaving Michael Myers to gaze with interest at the potential trophies. He placed his good hand over the tall one's mouth, put his hand inside and dug his nails into the gums of the body. He felt the teeth come loose, gathered them with his fingers and retrieved his now dripping hand, looking at the teeth. He filtered through them, seeing which one he liked the best—a molar. He let the other blood stained fragments fall to the floor with loud clacks, rose to his feet and reached to the back of his neck. He grabbed a tiny sewing needle that was embedded in the back of the leather collar, securing the string that kept the garment draped over his shoulders. With force, he took the needle and shoved it through the tooth. The tooth cracked in many different ways and bits of it chipped off, but he was able to get the needle through it and let it drip down the string like a loose water drop. Once he was happy at where it was, he pierced the collar and put the needle back where it was. He moved to the shorter man, used his hands and ripped open his chest and went to grab another rib bone. Ribs were easier for him to place and made a nice jagged addition to his collection. Fingers were good but required more work to remove the skin. He had an unusual preference for either teeth, ribs, and sometimes spine fragments from humans, skulls from small animals, and broken leg bones from larger animals.  

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