Awkward or... Perfect?!?

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Ross's pov
I grabbed the basket, my guitar case and her hand and we ran to the car. I grabbed a jacket from the back seat and put it on her shoulders.

Ross: Here
Laura: What about you?
Ross: Am fine as long as you are
Laura: No seriously take it
*She takes the jacket off and give it to him*
Ross: Laura your wearing a short dress with no sleeves. Seriously I'm fine
*He takes the jacket only to put it back on her shoulders*
Laura: I guess I should've prepared myself for this kind of weather
Ross: It's not your fault, you thought we were going to the movies
Laura: So then it's your fault and if I catch a cold your going to stay by my side and bring me everything I need *laugh*
Ross: That would be my pleasure *laugh*

I started driving, I needed to get her back home even if I didn't want to. I wanted to spend the whole night with her. On the drive home, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, our first real kiss. It was perfect, nothing mattered, not the rain not even the cold, nothing. The only thing that mattered at this moment was me holding her and her lips on mine. I am still a little bit nervous about it because she did not even mention anything about it. I hope she is thinking about it just as much as I am...

Laura's pov
I only have one word in my mind right now, magical. I didn't want him to let go of me, I felt so safe in his arms like the raindrops never even touched me, like I wasn't cold at all even though I was freezing but I was not feeling all of that. All I felt was his chest, his heartbeat and then... His lips. They were so cold but yet they were so warm. When they touched mine, the coldness disappeared. I don't even know how to explain the moment. That is why it was Magical. I hope he is thinking about it just as much as I am...

*They finally arrive at Laura's house*
Laura: So I guess this is goodbye
Ross: Let me at least walk you to the front door
Laura: Okay... Yeah sure *smile*

*At the front door*
Ross: hmmm...About what happened back there
Laura: Yeah...
Ross *In a nervous way*: I'm sorry. Not that I'm sorry for kissing you I mean it was all I could ever ask for, it was perfect. It's just that I'm sorry if you didn't want it to happen
Laura: I couldn't be happier that it happened

*She kisses his cheek*
Ross: *smile* I guess I'll get going now
Laura: Yeah... I need to go in anyways my parents are probably waiting for me
Ross: Bye Laur
Laura: Bye Ross
*He walks back towards the car*
Laura: Wait! Your jacket
Ross: It's okay keep it! You'll give it to me next time
Laura: Okay thanks!

Wait! Did he just say next time? I entered and started jumping up and down of excitement while my hand was on my mouth to prevent a scream. I literally can not wait for our next date! I think... I think I love him but I was too blind to realize it before.

Ross's pov
*He gets in the car and put his hand on his cheek*
I love you Laura.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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