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School was over, and the PJ Masks were now on their way to the park. Conner was still suspicious of Amaya and what had happened earlier. She had been acting weird ever since Jason spoke to her. Was he jealous? Maybe. Was he concerned? Definitely.

He felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Connor?" Silver asked him as they began to walk out the gate. "Are you OK?"

"Well, I'm kinda concerned about Amaya" He told her. "She's been really quiet every since she spoke to Jason"

"Dude, you say that as if this has been going on for years now" She chuckled. "But, yeah. She seems like she's on mute"

"Do you think Jason threatened her?" Conner asked her, now beginning to sound ridiculous.

"The girl's a superhero. Owlette? Remember? If she can't handle a simple threat made by a regular citizen, what hero would she be? I mean that in the nicest way possible" Silver explained.

"Nicest way possible? Yeah right" He rolled his eyes playfully. "But you've got a good point, she's a hero. She can handle herself"

"See? Amaya is an amazing hero, there's no way that she can be threatened by Mr Jason Author" Silver told him putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I hope so.. "


Nighttime had finally arrived, and the teens were at Silver's house, ready to have a slumber party. Silver and Amaya were on the bed, while Connor and Greg were on the floor. They were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

"I win!" Greg said excitedly. Amaya just humphed.

"You cheated!" She complained. Greg just laughed.

"That's what they always say!" He concluded happily. They continued to play games for awhile, up until Greg spoke up.

"What was Jason talking to you about?"


Amaya said nothing. If anything, her big red eyes widened in surprise.

"Amaya... " Silver began to say. Amaya sighed.

"Jason.... Asked me out"

More silence.

Then Silver broke it.

"What?" She asked. Amaya rolled her eyes.

"He asked me out" She repeated. Greg stared at her.

"And what did you say?" He asked.

"I don't even know. He thinks that I'm considering it"

"Well are you?" The first words that Conner has said since the start of this conversation.

"I.... No" Amaya replied. "No I'm not"

"You sound hesitant" Silver pointed out earning a glare from Amaya.

"Sil, can you not?" She replied. Silver raised her hands in defense.

"I was just saying" She replied. Amaya stood up.

"And where do you think you're going?" Greg sassed.

"I just want water" Then she walked out the door. Conner sighed before getting off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Silver asked him.

"I'm going to talk to her, if she's not going to be honest to all of us, then maybe she'll be honest to one of us" He replied. He left the fox's room before going down the stairs before hearing Amaya's voice. He stopped halfway and began to listen.

"I'm not considering anything, Jason"


"You forced the number into my hand"


"I'm calling you to make sure you are aware that nothing will ever happen between us"


"I don't think you get it. My heart already belongs to someone else"

The call ended there.

It didn't take a genius to know that she was talking to Jason. But now Conner is standing there, wondering what she meant by her last statement. He continued to walk down the stairs when he saw her drinking water.

"Hey" Amaya jumped in response. Conner winced.

"Sorry I just...wanted to see if you were okay." He replied. Her ruby red eyes scanned him.

"Were you listening in on my conversation?" Her question surprised him, but he decided to play it cool.

"What conversation?" He asked. She seemed sceptical, but she let it slide.

"You know I'm- we are always here for you, right?" He asked now standing in front of her. She looked up at him. She was slightly shorter than him.

"I know" Amaya responded. Conner looked at her.

"I did listen in" His honesty shocked her. And honestly she wasn't mad. Conner was always a terrible liar anyway. "And I'm kinda confused as to why you didn't tell us about... this"

"I didn't know how to" She shook her head. "I'm sorry"

"Hey, no worries" He responded. "Just don't lie like that again"

Amaya smiled before embracing him in a hug. His arms wrapped around her in comfort. He promised to protect her.

And that's a promise he intends to keep.

I have no excuse as to why it took me this long to update. You can pelt me with books now. *runs*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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