Chapter 21

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To say the last few days have been difficult, would be putting it lightly. Trying to spend time with Luke and avoid my parents smelling Luke on me is nearly impossible. I have to make sure he doesn't come to my house and when we have major make out sessions, I have to shower before my parents get home.

I sigh for the twentith time today.

"You okay?" Stacy asks. We made up after I told her Luke finally asked me out. She didn't seem so suprised, but she is happy for me.

"Yea, it's just Luke and I have so much sexual tension building and when we're together all we want to do is be close, but then his scent gets all rubbed on me, don't get me wrong. I'm inlove with it, but having to scrub it off all the time is tiring"

Stacy looks completely shocked. "What?" I look behind me to make sure nothing is behind me.

"You're inlove with him?"

"Is that the only part you got? And no I'm not. I said his scent" I try to cover up that I let that slip. Shit.

"Oh my God! You are inlove with him!" Stacy practically shouts.

I feel a pair of hard arms go around my waist and a pair of soft lips touch my cheek. My nostrils are instantly invaded wih Lukes scent and I smile. So what if I'm in love with him. "Who are you inlove with?" He asks, letting go of me. He reaches for my hand as contact.

"My" I stretch out the word, searching for an excuse. "New teddy" Stacy saves me. "I got her one yesterday because we have been friends for so long now" she smiles at Luke and I even believe her.

I give her a grateful look, thanking her over and over internally. I may be inlove, but I'm not about to spill the beans just yet.

Luke gives her and me a weird look before turning to me. "So anyway, I thought maybe today you wanted to come hang out at my place for a while?"

"Yea, come Jai. I'm going to be there anyway"

"Yea okay" I give him a smile and squeeze his hand a little.

"Okay, see you after school" he gives me a quick peck and walks off.

"When are you going to tell him?" Stacy doesn't give me time to think.

"Tell him what?"

"That you're inlove with him, oh and I don't know, maybe the fact you're a giant wolf". I freeze. I hadn't even thought about that. Okay yes, I knew there would come a time when I would have to tell him. But then he hadn't asked me out and I thought I dodged a bullet. Except now, instead of dodging it, I was running to catch up to it.

"I will, but not now. My parents still aren't okay with him, and I need them to accept him before I give out that sort of information"

She gives me a sad look, "Okay".


Stacy takes her own car to Lukes place, while I drive with Luke. He constantly looks over at me and smiles and when he isn't changing gear, he puts his hand on my thigh.

"So what's happening with Stacy and my brother?" We get to a red robot and I can see Stacy in the rear view mirror, singing to a pop song.

"I don't know? Why you asking?" I raise a brow, "You want to be protective and all that over your brother" I snort.

"God no, just Stacy seems like a nice girl and she deserves better than him".

I don't reply, or say anything until we get to his house. Luke is right, Stacy does deserve better, I don't see shat she sees in him.

"Stace, where is Ashton?" I step up to the front door with Stacy, Luke already unlocking it.

"He said he had some stuff to do, even left school early". Why doesn't that sound legit?

When the door opens, my ears instantly prick. I turn my head towards the sound and try to focus. I notice Luke doing the same, while Stacy notices nothing.

Luke furrows his brows and then asks Stacy to help him make food, I on the other hand excuse myself and follow the noise.

When I get to the door I know exactly what the sound is. I roll my eyes and let out a huge huff. I can hear myself let out a low growl. By the time I've opened the door and started asking what is happening, it's too late. I hear Stacy gasp and turn and run. She is quick, but I saw the tear that ran down her face.

"You piece of shit!" I shout at Ashton, the girl next to him scurries to get clothing on.

"Calm down babe, I was only having some fun"

"Don't fucken call me babe, what the fuck are you doing!"

"Who the fuck are you?" The girl gets up in my face and starts shoving at me.

I step back and smirk, before I stop myself, I have her in a head lock, "you think you're so tough now ey skank? Why don't you go fuck somebody else. You see him?" I turn her face towards Ashton, his face being one of pure shock. "He is unaviable of sorts. Now fuck off before I really hurt you." I let her go and she drops to the ground. I don't break eye contact with Ashton while she screams and races from the room.

"Jesus you're hot when you're mad" he chuckles, and puts a shirt back on. "But seriously, why did you go so crazy, anyone would think you have a crush on me".

My mask faults for a second, but I regain it. I feel the adreline swimming in me and the anger racing through my veins. The image of Stacys face fuels my hatred for him.

Grabbing him by the groin, and getting a response of pure pain I hold on tight. "How could you do that to her? You're the lowest form of life and it's pathetic. Stay out of her life, leave her alone or I will destroy you"

I let go and storm out of the room. Ashton snarls curses at me, but leaves it.

I need to find Stacy.

"Babe" luke finds me first, he looks at me like he is seeing somebody different. "Are you okay? And what's wrong with Stacy?" He looks over his shoulder and then I hear her soft cries. It breaks my heart.

I ignore him and rush over to her. "Stace". I grab her and hold her tight. I wasn't aware she liked him this much. She must be completely broken.

"I'm inlove with him" I hear her softly whisper. Nooo...

"No Stace, you aren't. Look what he did to you, he doesn't care. He is a piece of shit. Forget about him." I look into her eyes and wipe her tears. "You deserve so much better".

"Can I go lie down for awhile?" Stacy looks to Luke.

"Yea sure, use my room".

I give Stacy another hug and a kiss on the cheek. Letting her go. Once she is out of ear shot I try to forget about the anger I'm holding in.

"Are you okay?" Luke sits next to me. He takes my hand and gently runs his fingers over my knuckles.

"Yea, sorry I said that shit about your brother. Actually I'm not sorry, just sorry you heard it."

"It's okay. Ashton is a complete douche, and has this inability to see something good when he has it."

I look into his eyes and feel complete peace wash over me. How did I get so lucky?

"What?" He asks, looking a little confused.

"Nothing, just kiss me".

"That I can do" he leans in and does exactly that. Everything about Luke, I love. How is it possible to fall for somebody in just a short few weeks.

I realise I need to tell him, not only that I'm inlove with him, but that I'm a wolf. I also need to tell my parents that he is who I want to be with.

Hi:) so it's been awhile. I know. But I hooe yoy like the chapter. Please feel free to leave a comment:) so much drama and still more to come:)

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