Chapter 4

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The sun can be a real bitch sometimes. Waking you up really early with its blinding light. What's the time anyway?

I locate my phone next to my bed and look. 8:45am..WAIT WHAT! 'It's so early' I whine to myself. Pulling the covers off of me, I stretch and let out a long yawn. Ooohh yes, that feels good. Making my way to the mirror, I can still see a faint pink line on my neck where the wound was last night. I touch it to make sure it's ok, yes it is. Wonderful! I smile to myself.

Breakfast is lonely as my parents are still asleep. The house is so quiet. I pull out my phone calling Stacy. It rings five times before she picks up.

"Why are you calling me so early?" She cries into the phone, her voice all groggy.

"Sorry Stace, but I'm awake, the sun woke me up".

"So, you didn't have to wake me up"

"Oh stop complaining, what if we go to that coffee shop and I get you your drug?"

I practically hear her smile through the phone, there is shuffling before she answers, "You have a deal"

"Yay, I knew it! See you in about 20 minutes ok?"

"Okay hurry, it's calling to me"

I laugh before putting the phone down.

Once I'm dressed I leave my parents a note saying I'm taking one of the cars. They can't expect me to walk to her house. We have two cars and yet they won't buy me one. I don't understand.


I hoot the car, letting Stacy know I'm here. She quickly makes her way out the house and to the car.

"Morning Stace, you look like shit" I smile at her.

She glares at me. "Just drive, I haven't had my daily juice ok"

"Wow, You're so dependent on that stuff"

"Yea yea, anyway, how was your run?"

"Ok, ran into a wolf, got into a little fight, but nothing serious"

"Omg Jaime, you have to be careful! What if you got seriously injured? Who's going to sit with me at school then?"

"Stace! How is that all you think about if I got hurt?" I slap her arm playfully.

"Ouch!" she pouts at me, "That hurt you know"

Finding parking on a Saturday morning at a coffee shop is usually nearly impossible. People love their caffine so much, they'll wake up early...on a Saturday to get it. I don't get it. Luckily we do find parking rather quickly. Stepping out of the car, my senses work in over drive as I am engulfed in the morning smells. Caffine is rich and thick in the air, along with a weaker smell of grass and perfume. I hardly have time to breathe when Stacy grabs my arm, practically dragging me to the coffee shop.

"Hold on Stace" I say pulling my arm back. "The coffee isn't going to run out you know".

"I know" she is still trying to pull me along "I just can't take it. How are you handling it?" She asks raising a brow at me.

"Handling what?"

"The smell of the coffee. It's pretty strong to me, so you must be swimming in the stuff". We finally reach the coffee shop. I take a seat at one of the tables while Stacy goes to the counter to order a coffee. It doesn't take long before she is back, nearly half way through her cup if I might add.

"Chill on the coffee Stace" I tug the cup from her lips. "You're going to finish it too quickly".

"And?, I do recall you saying you were buying me some, might as well have this one as a warm up" she smiles at me with her cup by her mouth. She really loves the stuff.

An hour and two coffees later, we leave the coffee shop. "What you want to do now?" I say getting into the drivers seat.

"Umm I actually have some homework I need to do" I look at her like she grew a third eye or something.

"Seriously, you never do homework and it's Saturday, tomorrow is homework day"

"I know, but it's alot of work and I need to start doing better in class" She looks away embarrassed.

"Oh come on Stace, you know I can help you if you need me to" I place my hand in hers, squeezing it slightly.

"Thanks, okay, how about you help me out with the homework and later we go to swimming at that new pool place. I think it's called Splash world. Alot of teens are going to be there, maybe some hot boys" she wiggles her eyebrows at me, the homework issue leaving her mind.

"Ummm, okay, but can I borrow a bathing suit. I don't want to have to go all the way home."

"No problem".

I put the car into drive and pull out of the parking lot.


The sound of water becomes louder as we approach the entrance. The sign board says 'Welcome to Splash world, nobody ever had this much fun splashing '.

"You sure I look okay?" I say after paying for my ticket.

"Yes of course. Have you seen that body of yours? If you're not happy with it, you can always swop with me" She smirks at me. I don't have a bad body. I'm pretty slim, of course I am, I'm more fit than most humans. Not to boast or anything. My chest is a reasonable size too. Let's just say I look good in a bikini, but that doesn't mean I enjoy flaunting it around infront of everybody.

"Come on Jay" Stacy pulls me along. Again with the pulling! "I think I found the perfect spot for us to sit".

The spot is nice, it has sun, but also a bit of shade and it gives you a great view of the whole water park. There are 4 big, long slides I can see. They all start at different levels, stairs leading up to all of them. At the bottom there are a few more slides that seem more gentle. There is a kiddies pool, to the left. Kids are splashing around with their little float toys on their arms. Mothers keep a careful eye on them. I can hear older people screaming and laughing as they go down the more risky slides. At the end of the very top slide is a large pool. Many teenagers swim around. There's even a group of teens playing some water volley ball.

"Jaime? Are you zoning out again?" I see a hand being waved infront of my face.

"Sorry what?" I look at my feet shamefully. I keep doing that.

"Get undressed, I want to go ride some slides." Stacy has an amazing body, she is beautifully tanned with large breasts. Probably the best trait about Stacy is her confidence. She is never afraid to try something new or be out there. She is wearing a black bikini that makes her look even more tan.

I look down at myself. I'm still in my shorts and tank top. Sighing slightly, I remove my clothing. Stacy let me borrow one of her smaller bikinis. It's turquoise

in colour. Matches my eyes pretty well. Stacy smiles brightly at me.

"What?" I ask. Do I look stupid? does it look funny on me?

"Nothing silly" she grabs my hand, turning me 360°. "You look hot!" Giggling she grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the stairs. Her excitement is contagious, soon I'm giggling along with her, making my way up the stairs, avoiding the wet bodies around me.

Nearing the top I can hear Stacy is out of breath and I'm having to pull her along.

"Just a few more steps Stace" I say pulling her hand.

"Go on with out me" She pulls away from me.

"Oh come on, you definitely need to work out more" I give one more hard tug and we are at the top.

Oomph. Stacys' body hits against mine, nearly knocking us over. I nudge into somebody.

"Whoah there" The male voice says, grabbing my shoulders and steadies me. 

I hear Stacy give a sharp intake of breath, before lifting my head to see the male that saved me from falling over.

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