Chapter 2

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10 years later...

Natsu's Pov:

"GRAY YOU PERVERT BASTARD!" I yelled, running after Gray, fists ablaze.

"ICE-MAKE SHIELD!" He exclaimed in response. I easily broke through his shield and punched him directly in the face. We went on like this for an hour before Erza decided to break up our fight.

"Alright, what the hell is it about this time?! You two have been going at it like this more frequently lately. What the hell is going on here?!" We both ignored the question and I just decided to leave the guild hall all together. I heard Happy call my name but i ignored it. Sorry Happy...

Goddamn Gray.  Gray and I had been dating. Up until the point where he decided to cheat on me with fucking Loke. When I caught them together, all Gray could say was that he was sorry. It wasn't even a heartfelt sorry.I had ended it right there. I was pissed to say the least. Now, I can't stand to be in the same room with the bastard.

I sat down at the foot of a tree in the middle of Magnolia. I leaned up against the tree but i couldn't sit still so i just got up and walked to the shopping center. I walked past the shops, not even bothering to look where I was going. All of a sudden, I ran into something hard and tall. Both of us were knocked to the ground and the vegitables from the man's bag fell everywhere.

"Shit. I'm sorry." I said as I helped him put his items back in his bag. My fingers brushed a gloved hand and he jerked away. I looked at him curiously. And when I say that, I mean I actually looked at him. He was tall with maroon colored hair and dark eyes. To put it frankly, he was hot. He stared back at me then finished putting his items in the bag and sped off in the oposite direction, avoiding eye-contact with me.

"What the hell?" I said, still on the ground, dumbfounded. I wonder what that was about...

Soon, I decided that it was best if I just went home so I walked away from the shopping center and walked into the woods where Happy and I built our home. I stopped somewhere at a large tree and decided to punch the living shit out of it.

Why did I ever date that prick in the first place?! It makes no sense to me. What the hell was ever attractive about Gray Fullbuster in the first place?! You know, if you ignore the abs. and the fact that he took off my clothes faster than he takes off his own.... I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW HE'S ATTRACTIVE IN ANYWAY!!!

With a final punch of the tree, it shook violently and I heard a man exclaim the word "Fuck!" before he landed on top of me. "Ow..." I wheezed, the man's weight on my chest suffocating me. The weight on my chest was lifted and I took time to look at the man. And I mean actually look. He was tall with maroon colored hair and- "Hey! you're that guy from earlier!" I yelled.

The man scowled. "Great. The same idiot from earlier caused me to fall twice in one day... What the fuck do you want from me 'Pinky'?"  I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, ha ha. Very funny. Because I have pink hair. Hilarious." He gave me a look for that one. I then grinned up at him. "Hi, I'm Natsu Dragneel! I'm a Fairy Tail wizard!" His expression softened and he sighed.

"I'm Cobra." He turned away from me and began to walk away. I smiled to myself and began to follow after him.

"So, Cobra, what were you doing in a tree?" I asked him.

"I live there." I stopped for a second then continued walking next to him.

"Why do you live in a tree?" He sighed loudly.

"Why do you care?"

"Huh. That's a really good question..." I just shrugged and kept walking. we walked in silence for a while when he spoke again.

"Don't you have somwhere to be?" He asked.


"Why are you folowing me?" I ignored his question.

"Hey, how about you stay with me in my house!" I exclaimed. Cobra stopped in his tracks and looked at me in shock.

"W-what?" He stuttered. It was kinda cute...

"Yeah! Why not? I have enough room! And it's got to be more comfortable than living in a tree." he started walking again.

"no way."

"Why not?"

"No way in hell."

"Why not?!" he seemed to have been surprised by my outburst.

"I don't like people."

"How do you expect to keep your friends with that kind of an attitude?"

"I don't have any friends." He deadpanned. I was speechless for a moment.

"I'll be your friend! He sighed again.

"Do you ever give up?"

"Nope! I'm a pretty stubborn person. Now come on. Just one night would be okay. I can't just leave you alone in a tree when I know you're there. Besides, I heard that it's going to be cold tonight." I smiled at him. he looked down at me, then sighed in defeat.


"Yay!" I grinned.

 And so our adventure began.

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