Chapter 4

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These chapters are too short. I promise that the next one will be much longer than this one. Also, I'm sorry for the late update. for some reason, I forgot about this fanfic for a while. I don't know how since I love this story so much... anyway, I hope you like the chapter!

Natsu's pov:

This is the second day since I took in Cobra. When he told me that he was willing to stay for one more day, I was beyond surprised. But Cobra had decided that because of all of the snow that fell , it would probably be safer. Personally, I think that he just didn't want to leave yet.

Today, I had to go to the guild. I haven't taken a job in a while due to the obvious reasons. Especially since my break-up with Gray resulted in the break-up of my team...

ANYWAY! I decided that I would take Cobra with me! So After a lot of persuasion, I was able to convince him to come on the terms that He chose what to eat for lunch.

When we got to the guild, Everyone was shocked to even see me smiling after what happened yesterday. They were even more shocked to see me walking into the guild with another man.

"Hey, Natsu," Cana said with a slur due to the fact that she was already drunk this early. "Whose the tall, hot due you're with?" I just grinned at her and walked over to Makarov to introduce Cobra.

"Hey, Gramps! This is Cobra. He's a friend of mine. Is it alright if he comes with me on a mission?" I asked grinning. Makarov looked at Cobra skeptically then back at me.

"Does he have any magic abilities?" I thought for a moment and looked at Cobra.

"I don't actually know." I chuckled rubbing the back of my head. Makarov sighed.

"Fine, he can go with you but- Hey where'd he go?" I looked back at where Cobra was standing to find him gone.

"What the-? I'll be back!" I called back as i ran out of the guild hall. Just how far could he have gone? I looked around from the doorway. To my left, i saw him walking away. I ran up to him and touched his shoulder, causing him to jump and hunch his shoulders and walk away faster.

"Cobra wait!" I called out to him. This time when I caught up to him, I blocked his walk way. He had his hands in his pockets and his eyes were shaded as he avoided eye contact with me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him sincerely.Cobra turned his head slightly to make eye contact with me. He just responded with a sigh followed by,"Nothing."

"But why did you leave?

"There were just... too many people..." I looked at Cobra and gave him a soft smile, leaning my head down so I could look him in the eyes. He seemed a little surprised at the action but then he finally lifted his head.

"How bad is your situation without taking the job?" Cobra asked. Natsu laughed.

"We can't afford bread." Cobra sighed in response.

"Fine but I'm not going back into that room full of people. I'll wait outside for you to come out." I smiled and gave him a skeptical look.

"promise?" Cobra sighed and made a cross with his gloved finger over his heart.

"I promise." I grinned up at him and perked up.

"Good! Well then I'll be right back!" Then I walked back inside the guild hall. When I walked in, everyone was completely dead silent. Now that was freaking weird...

"you guys were all listening weren't you?" I deadpanned. All of a sudden, the guild hall erupted with a chorus of "What are you talking about's" and "No, we wouldn't do that's.". I just sighed and walked over to the jobs board. I had to pick a job that would be relatively safe just in case Cobra really didn't have magic. Otherwise, I'd be risking his life and that is not my intention at all.

Finally, I picked a job  that said something about "Wanting to see her son again." and "not knowing where he was since he was eight years old." I'm not really sure what this has to do with magic but it seemed important if she needed to put up a job request.

I grabbed the page off the board and confirmed the job with Mira. "I hope you're able to find her son." Mira said. "she's been looking for him for about eleven years. Lucy and Erza had gone to search but never found him."

I gave Mira my best "If anyone can do this I can!" smile and walked out the guild doors to find Cobra Leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. I could tell that he didn't notice me approach him, so I just stood next to him until he did.

"Jesus, Natsu! How long have you been standing there!?" I laughed.

"About five minutes." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, lets go. We have places to be, and a woman's long lost 20 year old son to find." I grinned. A strange look crossed Cobra's face but I just ignored it for now. I learned that when it comes to Cobra, asking too many questions could scare him off. At this point, that is the very last thing that I wanted to happen. I feel like I can get him to open up to me, but it's going to take time. And I am willing to wait for the day that he is ready for that.

Cobra's POV:

I was watching the snow fall in fat fluffy flakes when Natsu showed up. He startled me a bit when he did too. But when he told me about the job he had picked up, I couldn't help but feel like the woman he talked about was really looking for me, and that my past would be revealed much sooner than I had ever hoped... 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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