Just a Photographer

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This is a Ray/Rose love story that I wrote based off of a line in my story, Sweetheart. If you know which one, you get a point lol. Also, this one is long (to me) so enjoy!

"Rose and The Petal Pushers! Tonight at The Grind!"

That was it! Eavesdropping had usually worked out well for him, and this was no doubt one of those times.

Ray takes pictures of Rose and her band one night for a school project, and Rose is interested in what he's doing. Rose offers him the job of an unpaid intern taking pictures for the band, but is he just a photographer to Rose? Or is her more than that?


*Click, Click, Click*

Ray paused to check out the test pictures he had just taken. This new digital camera was expensive, but it was definitely worth it.

Now, he just needed something to shoot for his portfolio in his photography 101 class.

"Rose and the Petal Pushers! Tonight at The Grind!"

That was it! Eavesdropping had usually worked out well for him, and this was no doubt one of those times.

"I bet no one else is going to get great pictures of a band," Ray thought to himself. His class was more interested in quiet settings for shoots, but Ray always liked music, so this was the perfect chance for him.

Luckily for him, The Grind was only a block from his dorm, so he didn't even need to catch the bus.

So, that night he headed for the concert. Rose and the Petal Pushers were some local celebrities at his college. If Ray was being honest, the lead singer, Rose, was his favorite. He thought she was pretty cute, but he would never be able to talk to her, and she would never go for someone like him anyway. From rumors and eavesdropping, it seemed her type was the complete opposite of Ray, so there was no chance.

"Next up is your favorite band, Rose and the Petal Pushers!"

Oh! That was Ray's queue. He quickly put down his book, got out his camera, and started to shoot pictures of the band. His main focus was probably Rose, but that's okay, right? She is the lead singer. They sang a few songs, and Ray made sure to take a load of pictures for his portfolio. His digital camera was so nice. He didn't have to be careful about his shots. He could take a load and delete them later, and instead of having to develop them, he could print them straight off. He for sure would have the best portfolio.

After the band was done playing, Ray started to pack up his stuff. He had to get back to his dorm before the doors locked for the night.

"Hey," Somebody said. He was eavesdropping again.

Ray continued to pack up his stuff until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"I said, hey."

He turned around and his eyes widened. It was Rose. From Rose and the Petal Pushers. The greatest band at the moment. The prettiest girl Ray had ever seen. She was standing in front of him. She was talking to him.

"Why were you taking pictures of me?" She asked him.

Oh no. She thinks he's a stalker of some kind.

"It's for my photography portfolio for school," He quickly explained.

"Oh come on. You could have just said it was because I'm beautiful," She said sarcastically.

"I mean... Of course you're beautiful. I- just. I mean..." He was flustered.

"I'll tell you what. You get those pictures developed and bring them to me Thursday night at the Orpheum. I'll make sure you can get in. We'll see just how good those are," She told him.

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