Chapter Two

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I woke up at five, to hear Ashtyn cooing and playing in her crib. I checked my phone as I walked into her room. Josie had sent me a text at one a.m when she was getting ready for work; Update; I changed and fed her at 11 before I left. She ate well, no fever but your running low on food. I sent her a message thanking her for her help and got up for the day.

I picked out Ashtyn's outfit for the day. I irked her up, giving her a hug and a kiss. "Good morning, sunshine."

"Momma..." She cooed.

"Let's get you ready for the day." I said to her as I changed her diaper, and put her outfit on. I brushed her curly black hair, and put in a matching bow. "You look so pretty."

"Pretty. Pretty." She repeated.

"We're going to go to the park, and then to the store to get some snacks for you." I explained as we started out the door. She smiled and clapped her hands in excitement. It was a nice day out, so I put her in the carriage to walk her to the playground.

She loves the slide, but the swings are her favorite. I watched her try to climb up the stairs to the slide, and just before she got frustrated, I helped her up, going down the slide with her in my lap. She has gotten better at climbing, but now she has begun climbing more, my heart is constantly in my throat. Watching her grow, explore, and learn in the past year has been such a great experience.

After the park, I brought her home, gave her lunch, and put her down for her nap. I have to work today three to ten today, so I took advantage of nap time, and took a nap as well.

I woke up to her fussing. I changed her diaper, fixed her hair, then buckled her into the car seat to go to the store. At the store, I set her in her seat and began down the aisle. Once in a while I would give her something to play with as we wandered the aisles. "Mamma. Look." Ashtyn smiled pointing at a box of baby crackers.

"Do you want your crackers?" I asked taking the box off the shelf.

"Yes. Peas." I handed her the box of crackers to hold and look at. She smiled as she turned the box over as we continued down the aisle. As we entered the produce aisle, she began chanting, "Nana! Nana!" I looked around and found the bananas she was asking for. I put a bunch of bananas in our cart and continued shopping.

As I went to grab some Brussels Sprouts, I bumped into a man who had come up beside me. "Sorry." I said, dropping the bag of sprouts into the cart.

"We keep bumping into each other." Jaxons voice answered. "She looks like you." He said, looking at Ashtyn.

"I would hope so." I answered, continuing on our way. I had no interest in talking to him. 

"Charlotte, please. I just want to talk." He called out walking behind me. "I really do miss you. Come on, let me get you a drink or something."

"I have priorities. Hooking up with a man like you isn't one of them." I informed him. "Despite what you have heard around town. I'm not like that. My daughter is first and foremost on my list of people I spend my time with." I proceeded to the checkout line, with him walking behind me.

"How old is she?"

"Why do you care?" I asked looking up from the cart.

"Just trying to make conversation. She's beautiful. Hey sweety." He said waving at Ashtyn who covered her eyes and had a smile on her face. Her smile always got me, since she was born she has had her fathers smile. As I looked at him playing peek-a-boo with her, I wondered if he'd notice. A piece of me wonders if he'll realize he's interacting with his daughter right now.

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